Rashan Leigh Coffeehouse # 2

   In my opinion the story that’s the best out of the six stories read is Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne. I made my decision based on my interpretation of the message in the story. The main character believes that evil and good is a simple concept because of how he was raised. In Goodman’s mind a particular type of person is evil and a particular type of person represents goodness. He later spots in the woods  all of the people that he believed to be good, doing many things that only an evil person would perform and this broke who he was as a person. Goodman comprehends for the first time that many people wear masks, showing most people the version of themselves that will allow them to properly fit into society, but also revealing who they really are to the people that will accept them. Goodman can also represent a child that for example is taught not to cross the street until the walk sign is shown, then they later see the same parent do the opposite of what they said. When the child becomes an adult it does the same thing realizing that the type of decisions made are based on personality, choices thought to best solve a situation and more.Goodman realizes there is no such thing as a flawless person or a person that will perfectly execute a set of values. In reality goodness has no face, a good person is truly determined by his or her constant acts of kindness as well as their ability to forgive, understanding that no human is perfect. I believe that many people encounter the experience of realizing this concept in many ways like trusting someone for years only to be betrayed by that same person. The message in the story is something that mankind will continue to face. 

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for your post. Good reflections on one of my favorite stories.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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