Author: Rashan

Rashan Leigh Final Essay Outline


   In this essay, I will analyze characters in the short story “The Veldt” by Ray Brabury, published in 1950, and use  “A Short Introduction to Five Types of Ethics” handout to determine the ethics that drive each character’s actions. The handout  “A Short Introduction to Five Types of Ethics” states that “Deontologists describe two types of ethical duties: perfect duties and imperfect duties. A perfect duty is one that cannot be obeyed partly. It’s all or nothing”. The parents in the story are trying to help their children by attempting to break their attachment to the house.The children in the story don’t want to understand their parents’ reasoning because they are not accustomed to living without the house doing everything for them. The house also has a room called the nursery, which is a virtual reality room that works by displaying the children’s imaginations in the form of an artificial world.The children, Peter and Wendy see the house as a parent that helps them with everything, but the house is following the perfect duties in deontology. The house can be seen as helping the children get rid of their parents by using the nursery jungle lions to kill them at the end of the story. Bradbury wrote Peter talking to the house asking it not to let his parents turn it and the nursery off, then in the next scene “ The lions on three sides of them, in the yellow veldt grass, padding through the dry straw, rumbling and roaring in their throats. The lions. Mr. Hadley looked at his wife and they turned and looked back at the beasts edging slowly forward crouching , tails stiff. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley screamed(12). The house was programmed to complete specific tasks that will allow the family to do nothing for themselves if that is their choice.While the character’s actions appear to be based on wanting to help other characters, the actions shown are actually driven by a specific ethics that they follow throughout the story. A few scenes in the book will be chosen to prove that some of the main characters act to help other characters in the story.Specific scenes in which important events occur will be selected to show that the main characters’ decisions and actions are based on them following certain ethics.

            After the introduction I will explore the ethical decisions made by characters George Hadley and David Mcclean.George Hadley and the psychologist David Mcclean stood in the nursery analyzing it after George told his children to leave with the mental combination they created unchanged. George wanted the psychologist’s opinion on his children’s mental health and if the nursery is bad for them. He wanted to help his children by understanding the reasons for their actions and the way he could be of service. The author Ray Bradbury wrote the  character David Mcclean telling George “My advice to you is to have the whole damn room torn down and your children brought to me every day during the next year for treatment”(10). George’s action was motivated by his desire to help his children in a way that won’t make them worse. The scene also shows the psychologist helping George with his problem by examining the nursery, so he could give him advice based on the state of his children’s mental combination. George’s decision to help his children by talking to David about the violent fantasies they keep creating in the nursery is based on him following virtue ethics. In “A Short Introduction to Five Types of Ethics”  virtue ethics is defined as having three strands and one of the strands, which is the ethics of care states that “the feminine traits of caring and nurturing are as important as justice and autonomy”. George is caring for his children by studying their mental health, so he could help them. David Mcclean’s actions were derived by following deontology ethics. The information in “A Short Introduction to Five Types of Ethics” explains that “ Any system that involves a clear set of rules is a form of deontology”. David is a psychologist and his career requires him to analyze a patient’s mind before giving a diagnosis to the parents, which he does in the scene with George.

              In the next paragraph I will focus on the children Peter and Wendy. Peter and Wendy helped the house because it does everything for them.Utilitarian ethics is defined by  “A Short Introduction to Five Types of Ethics” as being “the view that the morally right action is the action that produces the most good”. Peter and Wendy don’t want to do things for themselves, and that is why they fought to save the house. When George first mentions to Peter that he is going to shut down the house Peter said to his father “That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoes instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?”(9). The children’s desire is based on their belief that the house staying on will benefit them the most. 

           The final paragraph is about Lydia Hadley. The story starts off showing that Lydia has been paying attention to her children’s imaginations in the nursery. Lydia is the one that shows George how dangerous the veldt has become and convinces him to call a psychologist, so he could look at the veldt. Bradbury starts the short story by writing “George, I wish you’d look at the nursery. What’s wrong with it? I don’t know. Well, then. I just want you to look at it, is all, or call a psychologist in to look at it”(1).Lydia has been focused on helping her children since the beginning of the story.Lydia follows two ethics in the story, feminist and utilitarian ethics. The ethics handout  “A Short Introduction to Five Types of Ethics” breaks down the traditional ethics in feminist ethics. The second traditional ethics is defined as “ the realm in which women do housework and take care of children, the infirm, and the elderly”. Lydia wants to help her children because it’s her responsibility as their mother to take care of them. Lydia also follows Utilitarian ethics because she hates that the house is being a wife and mother, so she wants it to be shut down. The house being shut down benefits her because it will allow her to be a mother again to her children. 

Rashan Leigh 5 Types of Ethics Assignment (Extra Credit for Pop Quiz 1)

      The five types of ethics state that deontology is any system that involves a clear set of rules indicating that certain actions are good or bad, which are always meant to be followed. The main character Jasswinder Smith, in Tony Parsons story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” is a UK border agent. Jazz’s job requires her to follow a clear set of rules. The rules she must follow can’t be disobeyed a little bit. Deontology represents two types of ethical duties and one of them is perfect duty.The rules connected to her job can be considered  perfect duties. Jazz mentions in the story that she has police powers. Jazz can arrest someone she believes is a criminal, but she can’t kill an innocent person because she believes the person is a criminal. Jazz also has to follow the rule of not allowing criminals to enter the UK. Jazz’s main duty is to protect the civilians living in the UK by following this rule and she can not break this rule. Jazz states in the book that she has to have an inner alarm bell. Jazz doesn’t just ask for a person’s passport, she analyzes their personality and asks particular questions in order for her to determine if they are a criminal or not. The inner alarm bell she mentioned is a mental tool she created to help her make the correct decision. The statement she made in the story shows how important it is for her to follow this rule.

Rashan Leigh’s Midterm Essay Outline

                    A large quantity of short stories can be compared despite their many differences. In every short story an author writes their own tale using his or her own vision. The differences in each short story can be obvious because the authors have their own vision of a great short story, but sometimes the short stories can have protagonists with similar personalities or a similar setting. The story “Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “A Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka represent two stories that are very different but have characters with many similarities. The protagonists in both stories are devoted to a cause they believe is essential. Goodman Brown was a devout christian before the dream he had while in the forest. He studied his religion while growing up and everyone close to him are believers in that religion as well, which made him believe it was the only way to live, so he held onto his faith. The main character in A Hunger Artist enjoyed fasting for money especially when it was amazing to the people in the town he was performing in. He hated when the forty days set by his manager was completed because then he would be forced to eat something. The main character’s life would not be worth living to him if he could not abstain from eating.The main characters in both stories went on a journey. In the beginning of Young Goodman Brown the main character tells his wife that he has to leave her in order for him to go off on a journey alone. The hunger artist lived his life as a traveling performer. He never tried to live a different type of life.The protagonists for both stories acted irrational throughout the story. The actions of both main characters can be considered Gothic. Goodman Brown decided on a random night to leave his wife and walk through the forest. Goodman Brown’s wife tried to convince him to stay and even offered to pray with him once he went back inside. He didn’t listen and went on his night journey in the forest. The hunger artist enjoyed fasting in a cage for money. He kept fasting even when his performance wasn’t making any money. The artist wasn’t acting logically at any point in the story because he wouldn’t stop fasting even when he knew it would kill him.In both stories the main character’s belief system traps them. The hunger artist believes that he should keep fasting until he finds the food he likes. He trapped himself with this belief. He couldn’t willingly stop fasting, which caused his manager to make people from the audience drag him out of the cage so he could eat after forty days of fasting. He even performed in a cage. Goodman Brown was trapped in his nightmare. When he finally woke up from his dream he kept seeing everyone in the town including his wife as the people they were in the dream.

              The two stories have many similarities that can be listed, but each story has its differences. The main character in Young Goodman Brown believes in the supernatural however the story A Hunger Artist doesn’t involve anything magical. Goodman Brown had encountered his spiritual advisor in his dream and then saw her disappear after a rod was thrown at her feet. When the dream was over he lived the rest of his life believing what he saw in his dream was real. The hunger artist never focused on anything but fasting. He didn’t have any strange encounters that could be seen as supernatural.A Hunger Artist is the only story out of the two that is an allegory. The author of A Hunger Artist created the story in a way in which the character is used to deliver a message about an issue in real life. The story Young Goodman Brown represents Gothic literature and doesn’t deliver a message at the end of the story.  Goodman Brown loses faith in the forest, but the hunger artist had a belief system that couldn’t be broken. Goodman Brown dreaming his wife and everyone in his town are devil worshipers caused him to be faithless. He didn’t pray and hated hearing people pray when he went back to the town after his night journey. The hunger artist didn’t stop fasting, even when people were bored of his fasting performance he never stopped. The hunger artist joined the circus. He hit rock bottom because people only wanted to see an animal in a cage, but it didn’t stop him from fasting in that cage. He fasted until it killed him.

Rashan Leigh Coffeehouse # 4

    John Cheever’s story The Enormous Radio can be considered Gothic literature. The story doesn’t reveal that it is Gothic in the first few pages, but it develops into Gothic literature. Gothic definitions show that one of the Gothic emotions a reader can see in Gothic literature is a character acting irrational. In the story Irene finds out that the new radio can pick up the conversations and sounds coming from each unit in the building except her own, which causes her to spend most of the day everyday listening to the radio. Irene changes in a negative way because of the radio. When Irene went out with her friend all she could think about was wanting to know what her private life is like, so she rushed home back to the radio. The radio became the most important thing in her life. Irene’s behavior is irrational. Irene also dwells in negativity believing the world and most people are evil, this type of behavior is normal for Gothic literature. The story also represents Tzvetan Todorov’s  the marvelous definition from his The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre, which is another important element that shows a story is Gothic literature.In the end of the story the radio becomes a normal radio. In most Gothic stories the end is concluded with a return to normalcy. The Enormous Radio involves central Gothic irony the way that most Gothic narratives will, therefore making it Gothic literature.

             The Enormous Radio mostly focuses on the wife, Irene. Irene spends the majority of her time in her apartment which doesn’t represent a Gothic setting. The unit wasn’t described as a dark space, old, or bleak. The setting of a Gothic literature can start off in a normal environment, but at some point before the end the setting will follow the rules of a Gothic setting. The Enormous Radio does not change its setting to anything Gothic. A Gothic literature will make it’s main character go through a death or near death experience that can be revealed later as a dream, showing  that the character miraculously survived. Irene is sheltered from having any near death experiences and she doesn’t die in the story. Irene spends most of her time listening to the radio and when she did go outside she wasn’t alone or in any dark dangerous places. The story in many ways does not appear to be Gothic literature. The story never shows Irene waking up from a nightmare, so the events were not revealed to be a dream. The dream is a plot point in most Gothic literature.The Enormous Radio lacks the plot points needed to show its Gothic literature.The characters in a story play a role in making it a Gothic story. The characters in the story are not heroes or villains. The characters are regular people put in an unusual situation.

Rashan Leigh Coffeehouse # 3

  1. Gothic elements can also be seen even in earlier works that began the English novel tradition.(pg 3)
  2. One of the great strengths of the Gothic is its ability to articulate the voice of the other within its fancy dress disguise of stylized contestations.(pg 8)
  3. Gothic interest in extreme states can also be seen to correlate with widespread social anxieties and fears.(pg 6)
  4. Among the most striking features of the Gothic genre is the style of its architectural settings.(pg 7)
  5. The chapter further explained that “certain unique cultural pressures led Americans to the Gothic as an expression of their very different conditions” (pg 4). 

Rashan Leigh Coffeehouse # 2

   In my opinion the story that’s the best out of the six stories read is Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne. I made my decision based on my interpretation of the message in the story. The main character believes that evil and good is a simple concept because of how he was raised. In Goodman’s mind a particular type of person is evil and a particular type of person represents goodness. He later spots in the woods  all of the people that he believed to be good, doing many things that only an evil person would perform and this broke who he was as a person. Goodman comprehends for the first time that many people wear masks, showing most people the version of themselves that will allow them to properly fit into society, but also revealing who they really are to the people that will accept them. Goodman can also represent a child that for example is taught not to cross the street until the walk sign is shown, then they later see the same parent do the opposite of what they said. When the child becomes an adult it does the same thing realizing that the type of decisions made are based on personality, choices thought to best solve a situation and more.Goodman realizes there is no such thing as a flawless person or a person that will perfectly execute a set of values. In reality goodness has no face, a good person is truly determined by his or her constant acts of kindness as well as their ability to forgive, understanding that no human is perfect. I believe that many people encounter the experience of realizing this concept in many ways like trusting someone for years only to be betrayed by that same person. The message in the story is something that mankind will continue to face.Â