Introducing Eric Lewis

Hello, my name is Eric Lewis. My major is Applied Mathematics: Financial Science and this is my last year. After this semester I only have two more classes. I have always been above average in math and when I finally bought a laptop I found that I have an affinity for programming, so I want to pursue that also and see where that path takes me.

My short term goal is to get a job with an annual salary. My long term goals is to pass my actuarial exams. Then hopefully I can go back to school for multiple bachelors and a master’s for math.

My favorite topic from MAT 2440 introduced the deciphering steps of cryptography. I already knew the role Prime numbers have in cryptography and the simple introduction with letters helped ease me into a subject that I hope will be a part of my future.

I hope this class will help me to deepen my understanding in formulating more effective pieces of code by memory. At this point I am having trouble writing logical loops off the top of my head.

My hobbies consist of learning, reading, and programming. My favorite book is Ender’s Game and Percy Jackson. I have read almost every book connected to those series except maybe any recent additions that school has prevented me from getting to >.<

-Eric Lewis

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introduction Terrence Russell

My name is Terrence and I am an international student whose major is CST .The main reason that lead me to choose this field of study is My love for computers ,how they function and how they can be manipulated to achieve a specific purpose. My interest are playing soccer and making music.When it comes to discrete algorithms ,I tend to find this area to be very difficult and complex however I am up for the challenge and ready to take on this journey..

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Introducing Francisco Tamay

My major is Computer Science. I got interested in Computer Science during high school because of its complexity. After I graduate from City Tech I hope to continue improving on my programming skills and get a job or internship with my degree. MAT 2440 was different from any math class that I’ve ever had. It was a challenge but a good one none the less. At the end of this course I hope to have a better understanding of algorithms and pseudocode.

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Introducing Kamil Sachryn

Hello, I’m a CST students, I first became interested in Computer Science when trying to fix outdated programs, and later became interested in writing my own. After I graduate from CityTech I hope to get a job in the industry. From this class I hope to learn more about algorithms.

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Introducing Javier Joya

I am an Applied Mathematics major with a concentration in Information Science.  I have always been fascinating with Mathematics because unlike other fields of study, you either know it or you don’t.  I am planning to attend grad school and potentially become a researcher at BNL (Brookhaven National Labs).  The proofs sections were the most interesting building blocks of MAT2440.  Towards the end of the course, the topics were pretty boring.  Honestly, I do not know what I would or hoping to get out of this course.  I am taking it because it counts as an elective for me but the topics, according to the syllabus, are of no interest.  Enough with the negativity, I love Jet skiing, Sky diving, Hiking and more importantly, being a greasy monkey:  I enjoy learning, troubleshooting and fixing engines.

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Introducing Andy Diaz

I am a CST major because video games have been the essence of my entertainment for so long. I hope to work in software engineering for a game company. I am well versed in a medley of topics and probably should be an english major based on my grades. I don’t know about grade expectations but based on my track record I don’t expect more than a B. If I do however increase my gpa to a certain level, I will look into transferring.

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Introducing Cindy Lam

Hello! I am Cindy and I am currently majoring in CST (Computer Systems Technology). I’ve always been interested in tech stuff as a kid, but what me choose my major was in high school. In high school I chose my elective as Robotics. I’ve take Robotics in elementary school as well, so I guess all these nerd stuff made up who I am today! After I graduate from NYCCT, I hope to get a job in Software development as a long-term goal, and probably some start up companies for short term goals. What am I interested in MAT 2440? Honestly, nothing. I love math, but not ones with algorithms because there are much more work to do as oppose to just typing things in your calculator, but this is useful when programming. I hope to get at least an A-, but I will settle with anything that is a B- and up. A hobby that I have is playing video games. That can be a good and bad thing haha.

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Introducing Rivka Ligier

My major is Computer Science. I developed this interest during my last semester of high school when I took a web development class provided by an organization called ScriptEd. I now work for them 🙂

I hope to become a software developer and perhaps later on move in databases and motion graphics (one of my interests).  I am really into start-ups just because they’re more laid back compared to bigger companies (Google .. ). Larger companies tend to be more bureaucratic .


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Introducing Heriberto Morales

I am a Computer Science Major, I got interested in computer science after my first semester at city tech because I have always been very into computers. My hobby as a kid was to spend countless hours in front of the computer browsing the internet, and slowly I started to learn about some of the more cooler functions a computer has other than the superficial things.

Last semester the most interesting thing we learned was about induction, although it was a particularly challenging subject for me to comprehend. I hope to get an A in this class, and I know that it will be a bit challenging but we will see how to semester goes.

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Introducing Angel Garcia

My major is Computer Science.

I liked computers since I was a kid when I first saw my cousin open one up right in front of me and solve some hardware issues. At the time I thought he was doing something amazing and it stuck with me until now.

What I hope to get out of this course  is to learn something new that will help me look at same old problems in different perspectives.

Not really sure which topic I am most interested in as of yet but I am sure that there will be one that will catch my eye.

Interest: Computers.

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