Grades are official!

Your official grades have been submitted to the registrar. You can now see grades for all items in Blackboard’s Gradebook, including grades for individual components of your project. Parts 1(a), 1(b), and 1(c) are each out of 10; Part 2 is out of 50, and Part 3 is out of 20. Your extra-credit homework grade is out of 5. Participation is out of 10; it is made up of your in-class participation and your OpenLab participation, each grades out of 5. Everything else that’s new should be a grade out of 100. Your lowest test and lowest quiz grades were dropped (not included in the calculation).

For a reminder of the grading scheme, check here. Interestingly enough, only one person’s grades satisfied the conditions for the proposed alternative grading scheme announced a few weeks ago in class and, even so, that person’s letter grade was unaffected. This means that the original grading scheme was used to calculate everyone’s grade.

Overall, your projects were done quite well. I do have a few thoughts about the projects that I may share on the OpenLab in the next couple of days, before I forget all of them, so you can check back here. Some of you got pretty creative with the assignment!

Not everyone will be receiving the overall grade he or she had hoped for at the beginning of the semester, but I hope none of you are discouraged! Some of the topics we tackled this semester were pretty tough and you all made a valiant effort. Please keep this in mind as you tackle tough topics in the future…if you keep picking away at them, eventually things will become clear…and sometimes it takes a while!

Best wishes for the future. Keep me posted on all the wonderful things you get up to!


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