MAT1575 Calculus II Spring 2020

Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

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Introducing Antonios Vandoulakis

Hi Everyone, My name is Antonios, but people usually call me Tony, i am currently studying mechanical Engineering, its  my 3rd year in city tech , i don’t really enjoy taking math classes, but its something you have to do in my major so i have to do it, and i always try to do my best.  one of my hobbies are cars, i love working on cars and bringing my car to car shows and car meets. i hope this semester goes very well for all of us.

Introducing Sheriff Safie

Hi everyone, my name is Sheriff Safie. I am in my 3rd year at City Tech while studying Mechanical Engineering Technology. I recently completed my Associates and I’m currently working towards my Bachelor’s degree. After graduating college, I wish to become an Automotive Engineer and work to design cars. I chose this major because I was interested in cars from a young age and it is a subject that I am comfortable and enjoy studying. I am happy to be a part of this class and I hope to have a great semester with everyone.

Introducing Garvin Bonhomme

Hi my name is Garvin Bonhomme born and raised in Brooklyn. I’m majoring in engineering both electrical mechanical and computer. I chose the engineering field because I like to build, make and fix things. I love sports my 3 favorite are basketball, football, and my least is soccer but I still got a little love for it. Hoping to have a great semester

Hi, my name is Peter Vandoulakis, this is my third year at City tech and i am majoring in Mechanical Engineering. The reason why i chose this major is my passion and love for cars. After i graduate i hope to open my own garage with my friends. Something I’m good at is that I’m very hands on with everything. I’m not really a fan of doing math but if i need to do it i will.

Introducing Antonio Johnson

Hello class! My name is Antonio, and I’m a sophomore here at city tech. I’m majoring in Applied Chemistry so this class is mandatory for me to take. I never considered myself to be strong at math, but I study hard and work to comprehension. My hobbies include watching sports, and playing video games. My role model is Kobe Bryant, and I try to adopt his mamba mentality and everything that I do.

Introducing Czar Darby

Greetings, I hope this post meets you all in great spirits. Here is a little information about myself. I was born in Kingston, Jamaica where I spent the better half of my life, so to speak. I immigrated to the United States just about three years ago in pursuit of a Mechanical Engineering degree, and to be closer to my family. I first became interested in engineering at the age of 10. I would always watch my older cousin modify car engines to make them produce more power than the manufacturers had intended. The most recent novel that I have read is the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I like dogs, but I prefer cute little puppies ( if you have pictures please share).

Czar Darby


Introducing Reuben Reyes

Hi, my name is Reuben Reyes and I’m majoring in Computer Engineering. I was in the Computer Science major but switched because I wanted some it something with more hands on and that’s where engineering came in to play. Once i graduate, I would like to see myself working with/at Microsoft or at Columbia University (brother works there as an IT support specialist) One of favorite books is called “BONE by Jeff Smith”, comic book series I read when I was younger, and “The Great Gatsby”. Also my favorite two sports are Basketball (NY Knicks) and Football (NY Giants).

Introducing Fausto Llapa

Hi, my name is Fausto Llapa. My major here at City Tech is computer science. I was always into technology and mathematics above other subjects which is why I chose Computer Science.  I enjoy playing and watching soccer on my free time. Also, I like to sleep and play video games.

Introducing Aarish Kumar

Hello Readers, my name is Aarish Kumar and I’m here to get the credit and some mathematical knowledge from the class while pursuing a bachelor’s in computer engineering tech and I’ve already completed the 2 years, associate degree. After completing this math course, I’m planning on taking linear algebra as according to my degree works online. After graduating from city tech, I plan to get into the workforce regarding what I like doing in regards to working in a team for possibly a project in the near future to improve systems functionality in society or to just innovate something out-of-this-world someday. My hobbies usually include reading comics such as the manga as many who read this are already aware of the popularity it has everywhere. I’m also a fan of gaming usually at my own genres of gaming which I enjoy, am also very organized when needed, and am deeply interested in how the mind works, namely the psychological aspect of it. I am also normally open-minded about ideas and norms and not very critical about most ideas or beliefs and I enjoy learning different perspectives of what others may have to offer. I’m also pretty good at offering solutions to most situations and am extremely prideful of personal belongings. Once in my lifetime, I was afraid of high depth defying drops such as roller coasters and am finally free of this free by having the courage to ride one of extreme height, such as the Kingda Ka in Six Flags and the Steel Force in Dorney Park. My favorite book is or was literally The Last Book in the Universe hence the name. Lastly, my favorite animal would be the owl.


  • our pronouns (examples: she/her/hers or he/him/his or they/them/theirs)
  • You’re major
  • How you became interested in your major
  • Which math classes you’ll take after MAT 1575 (if you don’t know, you can check your program requirements in the college catalog here)
  • What you hope to do after you graduate from CityTech; short-term goals, long-term goals, whatever…
  • Other interests/hobbies you have
  • Something you’re good at
  • Something you’re proud of
  • A time when you overcame something difficult
  • Your favorite book
  • Your favorite animal
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