MAT1575 Calculus II Spring 2020

Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

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Webwork – Partial Fractions is due tomorrow (Tuesday); Improper integrals is due Sunday (we’ve cover about half of the material so far)

Quiz #4 (this Wednesday) will cover Section 3.4 of the text

Test #1 Solutions are due on the OpenLab by next Monday

Test #2 is Monday, March 23 (two weeks from today) on topics in yellow on the schedule

Stay tuned for your Test #2 Review assignment instructions

Test #1 grades & solutions assignment

Test grades are now available on Blackboard. Your next OpenLab assignment is to choose one question from your test that you did not receive full credit for. Write a complete solution for this problem (including the check) and upload your solution to the OpenLab. Include the version of your test (A, B, or C) and the question number in the title of your post. Don’t forget to add the category Test #1 Solutions (on the right side of the screen) to your post.

Posts are due by 8am on Monday, March 16 Sunday, April 5 at 11:59pm.

Stay tuned for the Test #2 Review OpenLab assignment.

Tutoring + workshop

A few people asked about tutoring after today’s test. Here’s an updated schedule for the Atrium Learning Center (on the ground floor of the Library Building) as well as the schedule for tutoring from the math department. I’ll also attach a flyer for a note-taking workshop this Thursday that may be useful for you. (Sorry for the blurry pictures…my phone is old and the camera lens is super scratched!)


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