Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Category: Introduce Yourself (Page 3 of 3)

Introducing Israel Saucedo

Hi, my name is Israel Saucedo, my major is Computer Science, I became interested in this major due to my goal to be a video game developer in the future. My passion lies a lot with gaming, some of my favorite recent games are Persona 5, COD, and also Fallout 76 but only because of how disastrous that game has become. My favorite book would probably be Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan, my favorite animal of course is cats, my favorite recent movie is Joker and honestly anytime I have to do a presentation is overcoming a challenge for me, I absolutely loathe public speaking.

Antonis N. Misoulis

Hello my name is Antonis N. Misoulis. My major is Mechanical Engineering Technology and I have my associates degree from Queensborough Community College and this is my first semester in CityTech going for my bachelor’s. My brother is an Engineer and I think seeing what he does helped me catch an interest in Engineering, I also like finding out how to put things together so that helped aswell. I believe the next math based course I’m taking would eventually be Fluid Mechanics where I would calculate how fluids travel through machines. After I get my degree from CityTech my goal is to get a full time job at the Engineering Company I currently intern for. Some of my hobbies include playing video games, playing baseball, and I’m also a life long Yankees fan. I like to think that I’m good at using the program AutoCAD which is a design program for Engineers and Architects to design items and etc in 2D and 3D forms. My favorite books are probably The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien,  and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

Jared Cruz

Hey, my name is Jared Cruz and I am currently in my second semester at City Tech. I am undecided about what I want to pursue so I’ve settled on acquiring my AA degree first. Although, I do know that I have a passion for crunching numbers and being able to help others out in doing so. Not only did I pass MAT1475, but I mastered derivatives so hopefully I breeze through MAT1575. Also, I am a fitness enthusiast and if you happen to know Wheels let me know!

Welcome, homework, and quiz

Welcome to your MAT 1575 OpenLab site! All course information is posted here. Please take a look around.

OpenLab Homework #1

Your first assignment is to add yourself to our OpenLab course and to submit a post according to the instructions below. Your post is due by 8 am on Monday, February 3. Your post will count toward your participation grade.

  1. Sign up for an OpenLab account using your CityTech email address.
  2. After you’ve logged in, add yourself to our MAT 1575 class.

Submit your post:

  1. From the class OpenLab site you can create a new post by clicking the symbol that looks like a + sign inside a circle at the top of the screen.
  2. Title your post “Introducing [your first name] [your last name].” (You may use just initials if you like, as long as there’s enough information for me to locate you on my official roster.)
  3. From the categories on the right-hand side of the screen, make sure to select “Introduce yourself” so that the rest of us can locate your post later.
  4. Tell us anything you’d like us to know about you! Write one paragraph with at least five sentences. Some suggestions are…
    • Your pronouns (examples: she/her/hers or he/him/his or they/them/theirs)
    • Your major
    • How you became interested in your major
    • Which math classes you’ll take after MAT 1575 (if you don’t know, you can check your program requirements in the college catalog here)
    • What you hope to do after you graduate from CityTech; short-term goals, long-term goals, whatever…
    • Other interests/hobbies you have
    • Something you’re good at
    • Something you’re proud of
    • A time when you overcame something difficult
    • Your favorite book
    • Your favorite animal
  5. Read and comment on at least one your classmates’ posts. (Note: the administrator will have to approve your comments, so don’t worry if they don’t appear right away.)
  6. If you have anything private that you’d like to share with me but not with the whole class (for example, if you are to receive a testing accommodation through Student Support Services), please email me directly.

Webwork #1:

Your first Webwork assignment consists of two short sets. Answers are due by Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 11:59pm

  • Review-ChainRule
  • Review-PowerRule
  • Review-ProductRule
  • Review-QuotientRule
  • Antiderivatives

To log into Webwork, follow this link.

  • Your username is your first initial +  your last name. For example, if your name is Barack Obama, your login name is bobama. (If your last name has a space or a hyphen, delete it.) All letters are lower case. Both username and password are case sensitive.
  • Your password is your CUNY EMPLID number.
  • If you can’t log in, let me know after class.

Click on the homework set’s name to view the problems. Click on individual problems and enter your answer. After you have entered an answer, the system will tell you if it is correct. Make sure you have entered all your answers before the deadline. There is nothing else for you to do after that.

Here are some tips: WeBWorK Guide for Students.

Quiz #1

Your first quiz will be given at the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 5. It will be based on material/exercises from Sessions 1 and  2. More details will be announced in class.

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