A few of you have asked me how many participation points you currently have. I don’t have an easy answer, because there are several things I’m not keeping track of during the semester, because they’re easier to add up at the end of the semester. But hopefully I can help you get an idea of where you stand.

Remember that you need 20 participation points for full participation credit. Participation will count for 5% or 15% of your overall grade, depending on which grading scheme gives you a higher grade.

The ways to earn participation points since we moved to online classes have been updated. You can keep earning participation points until midnight on Monday night. Points come from:

  1. sharing your work on the board during class
    • A few of you were able to accumulate a few of these points before we were sent home.
    • I’ve been keeping track of these.
  2. participating in OpenLab discussions
    • Every time you’ve submitted a post on the OpenLab, you’ve earned one participation point.
    • I’ll add these points up at the end of the semester.
    • You can find one of your posts and click your own name to see how many posts you’ve submitted.
    • You can continue to share your work on the OpenLab between now and Monday. I haven’t given you an official “Test #3 Solutions” assignment, but go ahead and submit a Test #3 solution if you like.
    • You can also submit posts for old assignments up until midnight on Monday.
  3. attending office hours
    • I’ve taken attendance at in-person and online office hours.
    • I have been keeping track of these points during the semester.
  4. attending the tutoring center (ask the tutor for a verification slip)
    • I collected verifications slips for in-person tutoring before we got sent home and I’ve received reports about your scheduled online tutoring sessions from the ALC.
    • I have been keeping track of these points during the semester.
  5. asking a question in the WeBWorK question/answer forum on the OpenLab
    • You can access the page for particular WeBWorK problems by clicking the “Ask for Help” button at the bottom of the page.
    • I’ll add these points up at the end of the semester.
  6. filling out the weekly check-in form (since moving online)
    • I’ll add these points up at the end of the semester.
    • You can submit one more before Monday night.
  7. Submitting the practice quiz or practice test when we transitioned t online classes.
    • I’ll add these points up at the end of the semester.
  8. Attending the pet party or review sessions held during the breaks between in-person and online classes.
    • I kept track of these points.
  9. Taking practice exams
    • You can earn one point for taking a practice exam in WeBWorK.
    • You can earn a second point for submitting your written work; see the post for instructions.
    • You can take one new practice exam every 24 hours between now and Monday night.
    • I’ll add up these points at the end of the semester.

I hope that helps!