I mentioned during office hours today that I work closely with the director of the Atrium Learning Center and with the math tutors who work there. One of the things I do each semester is create a flyer to encourage students to attend tutoring. For the past few semesters, I’ve used this meme combo:

These memes are getting a little old, so I was thinking of changing them up this semester. I’ve come up with a few ideas of my own, but I thought it’d be fun to ask you to come up with your own too. This assignment is optional and purely for fun but anyone who creates their own meme will earn one participation point (you can enter as many times as you want, but you’ll still get only one point for entering). If one of your memes is ultimately chosen for the official poster, you’ll be declared the winner and will earn two extra participation points.

To enter a meme in the contest, submit a new OpenLab post with the title “Tutoring meme contest” and select the category Tutoring meme contest from the right side of the screen. Posts are due by Monday, February 10 in the evening.

Some things to keep in mind are that people who are NOT familiar with the meme(s) should still understand that they’re being encouraged to attend tutoring in the ALC and that no-one should find your meme offensive. It might be a good idea to use a popular meme so that more people can get it. For your inspiration, here are some ideas Professor Parker and I came up with: