Professor Kate Poirier | D046 | Fall 2023

Assignment: Are you bad at math? Really???

Comment due on the OpenLab Monday, September 19

“I’m bad at math.”

Everyone on earth, probably


“I’m bad at math.” This is something I’ve heard from a handful of students (in different classes) over the last few weeks. It’s devastating to me to hear anyone say this about themselves…let alone my own students.

Here’s a big secret: I’ve said this about myself. I have a Ph.D. in math. I write math research papers and get invited to give fancy math research presentations. I’ve taught hundreds (maybe thousands?) of students math in my career. And I have said this about myself tons of times over the years.

Here’s another (not-so-big) secret: I’m bad at pushups. I don’t have a Ph.D. in pushups! I can barely do one pushup! I’m, like, definitely, objectively really really bad at pushups! But it doesn’t make me feel bad when I can’t do a pushup. I really don’t care. So what’s different about math?

There is something unique about math: it can make all of us feel bad about ourselves sometimes. The wife of my good friend (who got his Ph.D. in math the same week I got mine) says this: “You mathematicians…if you do understand something, you think it’s because it’s obvious and easy…if you don’t understand something, you think it’s because it’s impossible and you’re too dumb. When do you ever get to feel good about yourselves?” Doing math can be very humbling. (If you’ve never been challenged doing math, let me know and I’ll find a challenge for you.)

There are lots of intersecting reasons that so many people think they’re bad at math, even when they’re not…especially when they’re not. For example, do this right now: do a Google image search for “mathematician.” Scroll until you see someone who looks like you. Can you find anyone? I haven’t seen all of your faces on Zoom, but I’m willing to bet none of you look like this bro:


Choose one of the following prompts. Then write a response of at least 5 sentences and drop it in the comments below.

  1. Read an article on “math anxiety” (for example this one). Math anxiety is a real thing and there have been tons of articles written on it! Summarize the article. What parts of it resonated the most with you? What is a situation during which you remember experiencing math anxiety in your life? Were you able to overcome it? How? Have your feelings about math changed as you’ve gotten older?
  2. Go back to the results of your Google image search for “mathematician.” Find a picture of a mathematician who looks like you. What is their name? Research this person’s biography and summarize it for us. What did you find most interesting about their life? What is a question you would ask this person about their life if you could?
  3. Okay, let’s get personal! Have you ever thought, “I’m bad at math,” yourself? Have you ever said it out loud? How often does this thought come into your head? In what circumstances? What do you do when it happens? Have any of your friends or classmates ever said this about themselves to you? What would you tell your friend if they said “I’m bad at math” to you? What do you think makes people think they’re bad at math? What do you do to challenge these thoughts? How can we support people when they feel like this? (Bonus: respond to someone else’s comment on this prompt; be nice.)

If your response is too long for a comment or if you want to include pictures (especially for prompt #2), feel free to submit your own new post. Use the category Bad at math and copy the link into the comments below.

You will earn participation credit for your comment.

Back to pushups

I mentioned in my introduction that I run a lot. Only recently have I tried to incorporate strength training into my program. Iā€™m still pretty weak, but Iā€™ve come a long way! I still canā€™t really do a pushup, but Iā€™m starting to get better at planks at least and, honestly, Iā€™m really proud of myself!

So here is one more question for you: why do you think am I talking so much to you about pushups in a math class???


  1. Allison

    I have never really thought to consider myself at being bad at math. When I was in middle school I passed a test that allowed me to be taking Geometry in my freshman year in high school, while some of my friends were taking Algebra 1. When I was a sophomore I was taking Algebra 2 classes while the rest just started to take Geometry. I was math class higher than my usual math class. When I was a junior I started to take statistics I really like the class so for my Senior year Iā€™ve decided to apply to AP statistics. But AP statistics wasnā€™t a class anymore. The next class available for me was either AP calculus or College math. College math was statistics but just a bit more difficult. I decided to take College math, because I knew that at the end of the year I had to take a test and if I passed the test I would have received college credit, which I did. Math has always been my favorite subject.

  2. ali choudhary

    I have never really thought to consider myself at being bad at math. When i was in highschool freshman year i passed algebra 1 . while some of my friends failed but i passed . i was not bad at math its just that i got to rember all the formulas then i am good to go .But when collage started and i had math i forgot all the stuff . That’s why it was hard for me to remember . But i feel math is easy but not my favorite .

  3. ali choudhary

    I have never really thought to consider myself at being bad at math. When i was in highs chool freshman year i passed algebra 1 . while some of my friends failed but i passed . i was not bad at math its just that i got to rember all the formulas then i am good to go .But when collage started and i had math i forgot all the stuff . That’s why it was hard for me to remember . But i feel math is easy but not my favorite .

  4. ali choudhary

    I have never bad math .. When i was in highs chool freshman year i passed algebra 1 . while some of my friends failed but i passed . i was not bad at math its just that i got to rember all the formulas then i am good to go .But when collage started and i had math i forgot all the stuff . That’s why it was hard for me to remember . But i feel math is easy but not my favorite .

    • Tais Martinez

      Hi Ali! I totally agree with you because this happened to me. I was so confident in math before college but then during college I don’t know what happened. But we definitely got this and I hope it gets easier for you.

  5. Gelber

    Iā€™m not considered my self as bad in math, but I consider that math is hard depending in the level and the way that teachers teach, cause in my point of view when I was in my country math was the subject that I love the most, but when I come to this country every thing change, the way that teachers teach, and the concepts are different but anyway with practice math is a good subject for me.

  6. Gelber

    Iā€™m not considered my self as bad in math, but I consider that math is hard depending in the level and the way that teachers teach, cause in my point of view when I was in my country math was the subject that I love the most, but when I come to this country every thing change, the way that teachers teach, and the concepts are different but anyway with practice math is a good subject for me.

  7. Julia Khutsishvili

    1) I have always considered myself bad at math and it was, and it is probably because I am not a fan of it. I have always been a more creative in a sense person rather than mathematic or science person, but growing up realized that in life the math is useful, and you don’t have to like it, at least should know the bases of it. From the article i have read about “math anxiety” the phrase that resonated/described the understanding most was, in the beginning it stated that “for high school math you don’t need a talent more than just a hard work and practice.” 2) I tried looking up and scrolled through many and many mathematicians and honesty couldn’t find the one who is physical outlook is similar to me. 3) I have thought and said out loud phrase ” I am bad at math” so many times, that honestly, I couldn’t even count. Why did I stated it about myself? Probably because I thought that this can go as a good evidence / back up for not learning some stuff or making mistakes. – Answer written by Julia Khutsishvili (Iuliia)

  8. Tais Martinez

    Prompt 3: I really never considered myself bad at math. Out of my friends, I felt pretty confident about my math skills and knowledge although there were other students in my class who were way smarter than me but I was honestly okay with that. In my previous college, I use to be a Math major because I honeslty thought that I was so good at it and I love math, but I don’t know what happened and it definitely kicked my ass. There are some classes that I wasn’t able to pass so I had to retake it again and this is where my confidence dropped. Now taking this course, at the beginning I did say I was good at math even though I know I am not. When I get super anxious about a certain problem and I overthink, this is when I say I am bad at math. When this happens I try to calm down and get my head straight. Recently my friend did tell me the same thing, I told her to not over think it because she does know the material but sometimes your mind can play games with you and then you just overthink. I told her to calm down, be confident and read the question carefully. I feel like this will always happen just cause Math deals with number and then letters and then it just gets crazy.

    • salehq

      same thing with me. I canā€™t think right when it is important. when math starts to use letters my brain gets declined for some reason, it’s like I have no thoughts or ideas to pay with.

  9. Omar Abaza

    Prompt 3: I’ve always thought i was good at math, because it’s my favorite subject. I would always get a higher grade in math than my other classes like english, science, etc.. . Sometimes math could be challenging and annoying but i try my best to deal with it. Some of my friends always think they’re bad at math but i just tell them math is easy, you just have to practice more and i help them if they need help. Math could be challenging sometimes but it’ll get easier with practice.

  10. salehq


    sometimes I have thought I am bad at math. Also, I have said it out loud. sometimes I think I am bad at math when I struggle with a problem and then someone else gives me a simple clue and I think to myself “Why didn’t I think of that” It is frustrating. some of my friends say theyā€™re bad at math but it’s to a point where they can add and subtract but they won’t know what polynomials are. when they say they are bad at math, I always say “Me too”. I think when people think theyā€™re bad at math is because they don’t know how to solve a problem like the steps of how it should go. what I do to challenge these thoughts is that I look it up or ask someone who knows more than I do. we can support people who feel like this by guiding them to a person who knows the answer to explain it to them.


    I think you talking about pushups because you will bring it up later and remind us of it when it has to do with some math strategy.

    • Pavlo

      I agree with you because when you help someone and explain them they would become better

  11. Tyrone Pinnock

    Ive never really been bad at math up until i got to the 11th grade. But then again I wasnt necessarily bad at it, I just was new to the type of math that was being taught. Alot of my friends had claimed that they are really bad at math. But majority of them say that but never go out of their way to study or practive to get better at mat. Math can be a challenge sometimes but its all about what you do with that “im bad at math” statement to “hey this is getting pretty Easy.

  12. Pavlo Havryshko

    Prompt 3 Yes I have thought that I’m bad at math but it depends on the topic because in some topics I’m really good at math but in some topics I’m not that good at math. I have never said at load that I’m bad at math. I get the thoughts that I’m bad at math when I don’t understand the topic or I need more practice. Something that I do that I think that I’m bad at math is I practice the problems that I don’t understand. Something that I do that makes people think that I’m bad at math is having answers wrong. I never heard of my classmates say that I’m bad at math. I would tell them if they say that I’m bad at math is I would say that ill do more practice until I get the topic. Something that make people say that they are bad in math is when they don’t understand the topic and they need help. Something that I do to challenge these thoughts is I practice more math problems. We can support the people that they feel that they are bad at math is by helping them and tell them to go to math tutoring.

    • Mohsin Ali

      I agree, practice makes it easier

  13. Toushayiah Dupree

    The article, The Myth of ‘I’m Bad at Math’ challenges the idea that math skills are a part of genetics but highlights the importance of hard work and studying to achieve math success. Overall, anyone can succeed in math through dedication and effort, not just those labeled as ‘math people’. One part that really resonates with me is not being prepared. Specifically, this one time when I was in 8th grade it was my first algebra test, and at the time I came into that class while they were halfway through the course. So, I definitely didn’t know what that test was about. Thankfully, knew some things on the test and I got a 78 on it. Not the grade I wanted but I was good for the first test I took in that course. I actually liked math more than literature and I was good at it. However, while I took calculus in high school my math skills definitely went down after that experience. I HATE CALCULUS…

  14. ekagya

    I haven’t always considered myself to be bad at math. When I was in high school I was always ahead of my class in math. When it comes to math I have always felt confident about my abilities. I have not said out loud that I am bad at math.This thought doesn’t come to my head often. however I do consider myself to be somewhat good at math. One of my classmates has said to me before that they are bad at math. My response to them was that they are not bad at math they just need some help and practice. What makes people think that they are bad at math is not being able to solve a math problem. What I do to help challenge these thoughts are give words of encouragement and offer help. We can help support people when they feel like this by helping them sharpen then math skills. We could also help them by correcting their mistakes and teaching them the right way to solve math problems.

  15. Rebeca Philias

    I don’t think I am bad at math, it’s just not my favorite class anymore. I used to love math,but as I get older I don’t enjoy it as much anymore. I need to do a lot of practice and remember the formulas, and focus then I’ll be able to do math.

  16. Ashley

    im choosing prompt 3. Hahahah as I look through everyone else’s comments, it’s crazy to see how most people haven’t thought of themselves to be bad at math yet for me it’s the complete opposite. For as long as I can remember I’ve been telling myself I’m horrible at math, and that it sucks. Math has never been a strong subject for me, it’s funny to say that it’s actually made me cry a couple times. For me at least math is a love- hate relationship. I find it fun and easy when i finally understand what to do, yet when I have no idea what to do or still learning it can become really frustrating. It’s always the little mistakes that i don’t notice until after i finish solving a problem that makes me think I’m bad at math, although I’m aware people make mistakes and that it’s completely normal. I find it best to just relax and take a break whenever I start to get too frustrated with math. I feel like the environment that you’re in can also play a part in this. I find that in every math class I’m in there’s always that one kid who is very good at math. someone who almost never struggles with math. i see myself comparing myself to them all the time, and in a way, I feel less of myself. In a way i always feel lost. I’m aware everyone learns differently and at a different pace, i just don’t find it fair. i think a way to help someone who feels like myself or worse, is to try to understand and help them out. They may not know all the steps in order to solve a problem, but they usually have some sort of understand that can be built upon.

  17. Mohsin Ali

    I considered myself bad at Math subject because I never took interest in it. I canā€™t tell exact reason, but I believe itā€™s just the matter of interest. And I donā€™t remember any of my classmates or my friends telling me that they are bad at math. And the reason the people feel like it that they are bad at math is just lack of practice and practice is the only way to overcome this problem.

  18. Mohsin Ali

    I agree, practice makes it easier.

  19. lily padilla

    Yes, I have thought to myself “I am bad at math”. I say it in my head or out loud all the time when i’m taking an exam or in class or doing anything math related that I can’t do. I usually tend to feel really stressed when I feel like I can’t do something. My friends have said “I am bad at math” before and my response to them saying that is same. I feel like people assume they’re bad at math when they get stuck and don’t understand something. I don’t really do much to stop it because I’ve said that statement my entire life. I feel like letting them know they’re not the only ones who feel that way is the best kind of support someone can have besides receiving help.

  20. Carlos

    (Prompt 3) Yes, I have thought to myself how much I am really bad at math. I have said it out loud before while doing math work at home. I am always repeating that phrase whenever I get stuck on a question or I don’t know how to start. Whenever my friends tell me that they are bad at math, I always tell them “me too”, or “same”. The best way that I can best support someone with this thought is let them know that I relate to them and they are not alone in attempting to solve an algebraic expression they do not know how to do.

  21. Muhammad

    In high school, I never really considered myself to be bad at math. During my freshman year, I passed algebra 1 . I realized that I wasn’t inherently bad at math; I simply needed to remember all the formulas, and know the basics when solving math problems.. However, when college started and I had to take math again, I found it difficult to recall everything I had learned. While I believe that math is easy, but itā€™s hard to remember everything that you have learned in math.

  22. Muhammad

    In high school, I never really considered myself to be bad at math. During my freshman year, I passed algebra 1 . I realized that I wasn’t inherently bad at math; I simply needed to remember all the formulas ,and I need more

    practice.However, math is all about practice .When college started and I had to take math again, I found it difficult to recall everything I had learned. I believe that math is easy, but itā€™s hard to remember everything that you have learned in math.If you want to be good math you need to keep practing.

  23. ELIAS

    1. Okay, letā€™s get personal! Have you ever thought, ā€œIā€™m bad at math,ā€ yourself? Have you ever said it out loud? How often does this thought come into your head? In what circumstances? What do you do when it happens? Have any of your friends or classmates ever said this about themselves to you? What would you tell your friend if they said ā€œIā€™m bad at mathā€ to you? What do you think makes people think theyā€™re bad at math? What do you do to challenge these thoughts? How can we support people when they feel like this? (Bonus: respond to someone elseā€™s comment on this prompt; be nice.)


  24. Kkhen4

    There were times when I thought I was bad at math, but most of the time I can do more complex problems rather than simple math. I’m not sure how it works but I can do calculus better than algebra despite calculus having some algebra in it. I don’t tell myself I’m bad at it, thinking negatively doesn’t help, for me I just try to improve, and if I can’t I move on. I procrastinate a lot as well which probably affects my results)

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