Professor Kate Poirier | D046 | Fall 2023

Individual OpenLab assignment: tips for success

Due Monday, September 18

Animated gif of Maggie Simpson holding a tips jar and a customer depositing a bill into it

We are about 1/6 of the way through the semester already! To ensure everyone is building habits that will help them succeed, your individual OpenLab assignment for this week is the following:

  1. Carefully read all the tips for How to Succeed in this Class that we reviewed quickly on the first day.
  2. Choose one tip that you are already following or intend to follow for the rest of the semester.
  3. Comment on this post explaining how you already fit this tip into your weekly schedule or how you intend to fit this tip into your weekly schedule. Provide as much detail as you like. Include anything you think your classmates might find helpful. Your comment should be at least 3-5 sentences.


  1. Allison

    Before my college year started I knew that I needed something to keep me organized for the rest of the year. And what would help me with that would be a 2023-2024 student planner. I would recommend my classmates to get a planner or maybe something where they could keep information. The type of information I keep in my planner is the homework I need to do, things I need for the next class, apps I need to download, and much more. If you’re a person like me who tends to forget what they need to do and when it’s due then buying a planner is the best way to go. 

  2. Brandon Hernandez

    Staying Organized

    I would personally agree that having multiple notebooks is a great way to stay organized. Personally for me its a lot easier to have digital notebooks rather than physical ones that way im able to take notes from any device I choose and then be able to view or edit them from any other device. Another thing that I also find very useful is having a digital planner, the reason this is cause im able to keep up with any upcoming assignment or important dates that i may other wise forget.

  3. Thomas Plunkett

    Relating to the 3 notebooks category I’ve been trying to reorganize my notes when needed. I absorb information by writing it down (much more than typing it) and by rewriting it I’m teaching it to myself more so than just re reading it. Doing this also programs it to my brain a second time so studying later becomes more of a review than a re teaching.

  4. Mohsin Ali

    Hello everyone! I am actually still trying to figure out my schedule but i think you will succeed, if you will stay consistent with your routine and follow these 5 tips:

    tips for success

    1. Once again, Stay consistent with daily study.

    2. Allocate, at least 10 hours per week for each class.

    3. Arrive prepared and organized.

    4. Minimize distractions.

    5. Seek help when needed.

  5. Toushayiah Dupree

    One tip that I already fit into my schedule is to be organized. I’m keeping myself organized by having a planner, Having certain notebooks/folders for each class, and even on my computer I only have the main tabs that I need open for classes. When I get home, I look at my planner and prioritize my assignments that are due. One thing I would say I struggle with when it comes to organizing is keeping track of all the paperwork I get. So I suggest getting a way to put it into your computers even if it’s just a photo and placing them in your files because papers are really easy to misplace or rip easily.

  6. Omar Abaza

    One tip that I’ve been using already is asking for help when needed. If there’s a problem i’m having trouble with, i usually ask a classmate or a friend that took this course already. Another thing you could do if you’re having trouble solving a problem is email your professor or attend tutoring and they’ll help you.

  7. Rebeca

    to succeed in college, I follow these 5 steps

    1;I used a planner

    2 ;I follow my schedule

    3; I study everyday

    4; I take good notes

    5; I stay productive and saying no to procastination

  8. Julia Khutsishvili

    For me the best two college tips are to be staying organized and a lot of practice. Why does those two the most important things for me? Because by lots of practice, i will receive a positive outcome of understanding math a lot better and overall get a bunch of knowledge and remember things like formulas etc. But also, the second important thing is staying on top of your task and being organized, having a settled-up reminders or planner to keep track of all assignment and homework. – Julia K

  9. Pavlo

    One tip that helps me to succeed in college is to have a good schedule that you have free time relax and have time to study and do homework. Another tip that helps me to succeed in college is if you don’t understand something go ask the teacher or your classmates. Another thing that helps me to succeed in college is when you do your work you should turn off your phone that wont distract. Another thing that helps be to succeed in college is not doing homework last minute because sometimes when you do homework last minute it might be hard and you would rush and make mistakes.

  10. Issac

    If I had to talk about just one tip, I’d choose #7. Practice makes perfect. By taking this tip seriously you will see improvement in not just this class but every class. The art of being consistent and repeat things/formulas you don’t understand until you do perfect is a skill that anyone can improve. And the good thing is that when you do this consistently, no matter how bad you think you are at MAT or anything at all, sooner or later you end up understanding it 100%. It is like a cheat code and I hope you use it. I am currently working on it myself, and I just wanted to share it since it might help someone else that read this.

  11. lily padilla

    I tend to have a hard time asking for help when I need it. I plan on reaching out for help when I feel stuck throughout the semester because id rather understand the material than pretend to know what i’m doing. I plan on using the tutoring the school offers as a resource to help me succeed in this class.

  12. Nathaly

    One tip that I’ve already intented to follow the rest of the semester is 3 and 4. 3 is arrive to class prepared a day before I prepare my things for the next day and when I’m about to leave I make sure that everything is in my bag. 4 is stay organized to be orginized I have a planer of what I have to do and what assigments I’ve done so far.

  13. Elias

    Well honestly I think that practicing is something that I follow, and something that I will continue to follow because I made some mistakes in the past and it was because of the fact that I was not practicing.So that is something that I have begun to do.

  14. Jose Batista

    I am already following típ 3. I always make sure to get a good night sleep, by doing all my home work on the weekend so on Monday I can sleep well before class.I also follow the schedule and to the web work to the best of my ability. However something I do need to improve on is getting a calculator and a proper notebook which I plan on doing as soon as I get a chance.

  15. Carlos

    One tip that I already am following is being prepared before class. I have the necessary items for this class, such as my calculator and my notebook to take down notes that are on the board. I still have to improve on being prepared by reviewing the textbook before class to have a better idea of what will be discussed that day.

  16. Frailyn Cruz

    I’m following the number 5, because I know that I get distractd easly. So i’m try to be more focuse in class, and in my home where I also  practice the topic in my free time to learn more.

  17. Amanda Padilla

    I want to do my best to follow tip 2 to commit. I am not the best at trigonometry already so I’m gonna challenge myself to study and also get tutoring help. I plan to use Wednesdays to go to tutoring.

  18. ekagya

    One tip that I already follow is asking for help when I need it. When I need help with a problem that I don’t understand, I usually ask my classmates or my professor. This is beneficial for me because I am able to get answers to any question that I have. Asking for help can also help others. For example if you ask a question that someone else also has their question will be getting answered too. Attending office hours or tutoring can also be helpful when it comes to asking for help. They often have the answers that you’re looking for.

  19. Tais Martinez

    I’ve always felt that I always get distracted way too easily. I procrastinate a lot and love saying “I’ll do it tomorrow.” This semester I am trying to implement tip 5 and 6. Since I have a big gap on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I take this time to catch up on some work, go to the library or listen to music in the cafeteria and just get to work. I try doing this in my house but I’ve always failed and decide to lay in bed instead. Lately, I’ve realized that there are some material that I do need help in, I would always hesitate to go office hours but this semester I’ve been going to office hours and it’s been a great help, so I will definitely continue doing that. It can be scary but honestly is better to ask and talk about something you might find difficult because other people can also agree with you and find it difficult as well.

  20. Ashley

    although we were just supposed to pick one tip I think tip 4 and tip 5 are good tips. avoiding distractions and staying organized is more helpful than some would think. I’m not sure if everyone’s aware but with a Cuny ID, we’re allowed to go into other Cuny schools, I take advantage of that, on Mondays I go to hunter college and just work on my work in their library, I find it calming since I know no one and no one knows me, which also helps with no distraction since there’s no noice . As for staying organized I plan on getting two notebooks, I have noticed that my notes from class are a bit messy, and I feel like writing things down again can help with getting a better understanding of what happened or what i need to understand from that lecture. I also feel like a third notebook would be pretty helpful because of webwork, from all the assignments we get it could help stay organized with like all the work we’re doing to solve webwork problems. 🙂

  21. ELIAS

    • NUMBER 6 :One of the biggest mistakes college students can make in their math classes is to suffer alone with their confusion. You will be confused! It’s expected! The most important thing you can do is seek help from your classmates, from a tutor (CityTech has free virtual or in-person tutoring), or from your instructor. Sometimes even just figuring out how to ask a question can help you figure out the answer.
    • Don’t do all your work alone. Give yourself a chance to bounce ideas around with your classmates and see where they lead.
  22. Kkhen4

    Staying consistent is what I knew I would need but couldn’t follow. I’ve always had a hard time trying to stay consistent and I think that is what is leading me to have lower grades. I tend to procrastinate a lot but I will make a schedule to help me with my consistency. What could also help is setting up a prize (free time) so I can look forward to finishing work.

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