Electronic Profile Assignment


My name is Genesis Martin and I am 23 years old. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. I lived there until I was 15 years old.  This is my fourth year in college and I still have not achieved even an associates degree. Yeah, that sounds sad and disappointing. And yes. For a long time this is how I’ve felt. Keep reading and I’ll tell you all my story right here.

I graduated from high school back in 2017. I had it all together and my grades throughout my four high school years were one of the best. My mom and dad were so proud of me and were always there encouraging me. According to myself, I wanted to be a dentist but my SAT grades were not the best, therefore I skipped that option and went directly into getting all my general credits for Dental Hygiene at City Tech. I took a math class and got a D. This lowered my GPA so bad, that the DH program did not even look at my application, so I did not even get accepted. After seeing what a failure I was, I decided to just do a liberal arts associate because I could not let my old classmates see that the smart girl has not become a professional just yet. Long story short, I also tried transferring into Health Sciences and yes, that went horribly bad and I ended up dropping my courses. Crazy thing about this is that the dental hygiene and hospitality management program shared the second floor. I used to see the students in their chef’s uniform and think to myself “what if this is where I belong?” Then again, my subconscious told me I was not enough. I used to enter the HMGT website program to get more info. It was until last semester (spring 2021) that I actually transferred to the program and finally I am doing something I feel passionate about.


My expectations for these next semesters in the HMGT program is to gain more knowledge in everything that is related to hospitality. I expect to become more welcoming and make people feel like they belong. It is also my biggest and most important goal to become an experienced pastry chef and open my own bakery. Yes, this will take time and a lot of work but of course it is not impossible. Now you know my story and maybe thought I would be done with everything and might as well just give up but no. I had to learn the hard way, that earning things and becoming an excellent and achieving person is not as easy as some people paint it, but it includes hard nights, disappointing people that always trusted you. I know the “don’t give up” line is so overused. All my friends have earned their bachelor’s degree already and sometimes I do feel stuck, but I won’t give up, not now, not ever.