Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Christina Cantone, POV Story for Picture A

Willow used her electric gauntlets to welle the finishing touches on the power supply cube. she thought to herself ā€œThis will be the one that will finally get me back homeā€. A warm breeze tickled her face as she looked up at her spaceship. She opened a side compartment and proceeded to hook up the cube to all the wires. Willow closed the hatch, pushed the start button and waited. The ship seemed to be powering up, but as soon as it started it stopped. She sighed from the disappointment of her latestĀ  failure. Going to sit down, her companion robot dog Dax came to comfort her in this time of sadness. She looked down at her robo friend and saidĀ  ā€œ one day Dax, I will see them again. All hope is not lost. I will do everything in my power to get back homeā€ petting his head. ā€œCome on itā€™s getting late and sleep is calling my nameā€ she gets up stretching her arms. Willow looks at her spaceship for the last time seeing the damage from the crash and sighs before she goes to seek her favorite sleeping spot.

1 Comment

  1. Zlancaster

    I guess great minds do think alike as I also chose a somber mood for my story. Though a different image, I appreciate the change in mood from all the other stories with happy endings. Not only did I enjoy the mood, but I also enjoyed the dynamic created between the two characters. The story may be a monologue but having something else to interact with can really help keep the reader interested.

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