Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Sumayah Ayed // Le Guin’s critique

I really enjoyed that she kept expressing her emotions non-stop throughout the whole story, because whenever the main character ever expresses his or her emotion in the story, it allows us, readers, to better understand what’s actually going on in her “point of view” because there are many different point views out there, so for her to keep describing her fear, anger, love at every moment in the story was cool and easy for me to understand her. Although I am very curious as to why you still stayed with him after you discovered he was a werewolf? did you not ever think for a second how harmful he can be towards you and your kid’s future?

1 Comment

  1. Zhen Deng

    I agree with Sumayah on “… so for her to keep describing her fear, anger, love at every moment in the story was cool and easy for me to understand her ” , because we learned more information behind the story through the wife’s POV, and it made the story more convincing.

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