I’ve always found writing to be one of my weaknesses. Ever since I was a kid I had trouble writing. Although my reading level excelled, writing was never one of my strong suits. As most people say, a person is either better at math or better at English, never both. However, in my case it seems to be leaning toward arithmetic studies. I believe this is because my brain is hardwired to find I know this can change; with practice and hard work I will get better. coming into this class was the first step in getting better and that’s why I signed up for it.

These memoirs are especially difficult for me. I find its much harder for me to write about my own personal experiences. When I have the information in front of me, it makes writing so much simpler because I know what my end goal is and I know exactly how I’m going to format my response. However, when I write about myself I can never see the true finished product cause there’s always something better to add to the story. One way I can write my memoirs would be to create an outline before highlighting all my strong suits, but I find it more difficult as there is always a part of the story I forget to add. I believe my memoirs are good however they can be better.