Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Zaire Lancaster, Coates’ Critique

After reading “The Water Dancer” by Ta-Nehisi Coates, to no avail, I continued to scroll down looking for another line to add to the somewhat abrupt ending. I enjoyed the premise of the story as it was interesting and though tragic, the author’s world-building helped it seem otherworldly. This slight contrast was present throughout the entire piece but I specifically appreciated the author’s talent to make even a scene about drowning seem mystical. Overall it was a great read and while I don’t have any comments, I have the following questions:

1-Did Hiram gain clarity at the end of the story?
2-What will happen to Hiram now that his “caretaker” is dead?


  1. Christina C.

    I agree with you. When I read the last line of the story it felt like it was cut short.The ending seemed to be missing something and I’m not the only one who thinks so. The author as you said did spend a lot of time on describing the feeling of drowning but where they showed strength for description, the final few moments of the story felt rushed.

  2. Eamon Bolger

    i felt like the story had a healthy length to it, as it was more of the character accepting his death and seeing it as true freedom compared to how he was living. I felt like the story really didn’t need to continue as it had a clear goal in mind and that was to describe the narrator’s death as mystical and a act of freedom

  3. Hernandez

    I liked how Zaire, address the question and how he stated how the author wrote her non-fiction story. Although the author uses some explicit words in order to introduce us to the situation.

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