Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Zaire Lancaster, POV Story For Picture B

David always liked the great outdoors. Living in Utah not too far from Zion National Park he always enjoyed hiking there with his dog Sir Fidoton. From the occasional jog from work to the late-night craving trips David enjoyed every moment. However, for the safety of others, himself, and most importantly his Sir Fidoton, David knew he had to stay inside until the quarantine ended. He longed for a chance to go out and meet his friends but he knew it was best to stay at home and wait for everything to be fine again. He told himself everything was fine but deep inside, David knew the truth 2020 had just started and it would be a long year.

  As he looked away from his zoom meeting, he knew even if it looked fine it wasn’t. The virus was always there waiting and watching. Sir Fidoton too could sense the danger, sitting right behind David, enjoying the continuous company. He glanced outside and though the window was closed he could feel a difference in the air, a reason his companion didn’t go out as much as before. As they looked out the virus looked in, waiting for them to slip up.


  1. sumayah

    I loved how u connected this story to today’s dilemma

  2. Yasmine

    I liked the fact that you stated the specific place where David was located. I also liked the fact that you gave insight on his thoughts during the height of the pandemic which was very relatable. A lot of what David was thinking went through many people’s minds during those times and still to this day.

  3. Christina C.

    I really enjoyed your story. I’m not going to lie, Sir Fidoton is the best character. He is concerned with his human just as much as his human is concerned with him.

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