Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Michelle Aviles, Jones’ Critique

What i really enjoyed about “The First Day” is that it had that sort of reminiscing feel to it. The way the narrator recalls the many things that happened in her life and the way she was very detailed and descriptive really helped to visualize the setting and the people. The way the author wrote “The First Day”, having that first person point of view really helped in showing the way the narrator remembered many details from the way they dressed to the dixie peach hair grease.


  1. Yves

    I agree, I was also commenting about the amount the details in the writing. It shows the ready with close to visual perspective of the story while reading and it’s affective.

  2. Felix Mejia

    I agree that she was portrayed as someone very descriptive in the way she detailed every experience. I think it very important to note that for her to remember with such detail means that it was an important event in her life, at least that’s how it’s portrayed.

  3. NadreaPT

    I agree with Michelle because the narrator took us down memory lane with clear and descriptive details of the characters in her story. We got a glimpse into her life and into her first day of school.

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