Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Ariel Itshaik, Jones Critique

After reading “The First Day” By Edward P. Jones I noticed a bunch of different details in his writing. The writer is great at emphasizing his key points with a lot of detail. He isn’t afraid to describe a situation with as much detail as possible. This makes his writing way more fun to read. It allows us readers to have a clear image of what they are writing about. The author also goes deep into detail to the point where i can hear the conversation as if it is happening right next to me. At one point the author wrote about how the characters mother once said “One monkey doesn’t stop the show” I found this quote somewhat entertaining as its something a sarcastic person might say given a situation. These types of dialogues help him define the character in a deeper and more meaningful way. Overall I really enjoyed Jones’s work and it helped me get a better grasp on how to describe the way a character should come alive within a piece of writing.


  1. Christina C.

    I agree with you that the author of this work went into great detail while writing. Reading the story there’s a clear picture painted from character development to the plot points as we follow the young girl on her way to school. As the events unfold we learn so much from the narrator in such a short amount of time.

  2. Aaron Moore

    Jones’s writing is indeed incredibly detailed and vivid. Not only does it make the characters come alive, but it makes the environment and overall event come alive as well.

  3. Rakib Hassan

    I agree that Jones’ work is very detailed in such a short amount of words needed I could almost imagine the character in quick succession.

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