Moving to the leeward side of the Island was very tough for the first year. In the neighboring village is where I would visit my father as often as I can because I was finally old enough to catch the bus on my own to go see him. In this village is where I would meet my best friend. The friendship I cherish the most is with my friend Jodie. Jodie and I have been friends since the beginning of Junior high school to today. She is the only friend that I have I feel comfortable speaking to about anything and vice versa because we know there is never any judgement on each other’s situations. She will always be bluntly honest with me if she thinks I am not doing something correctly. The advice that we give each other is always very sound, although most of the time we do not take our own advice!. She is the most honest, down to earth and loving person I know and I cannot see us not being friends with each other for any reason.