Meet my favorite picture in my gallery, it reminded me how far I came to become an honor student, freshmen year of high school my grades were not as high but I decided to change that and work hard, and as I achieved that goal I became an honor student. As I look back into this picture it reminds me of the nights I stayed up to achieve my goal, to become a better and hard-working student.

This picture symbolizes many meanings to me. When covid came all of our high school graduations got canceled, and it was that one day I have been waiting for my whole life!! and of course, I was very melancholy for days even months. In middle school, as I watched my big sister graduate from high school, I whispered to myself and said “one day that will be me”. Also, this picture reminds me that you will always have to be prepared to “expect the unexpected”, as a high school senior I had big plans, but covid came in.

This picture also brings me joy and happiness, I personally think my private school threw the best drive-through graduation party ever. I remember I was able to see my friends and take millions of pictures with them. We even had signs up that said “honk! I just graduated” we held this sign whenever any car would pass, and they actually honked back!! I have never been so grateful in my life that day because I thought ill never get to experience what my big sister had back in 2016.

I was also sad that I was moving on to college, and everyone is going to start a new chapter, I was not ready to let go of high school and its dearest memories that it holds. My friends are a big part of my life, nearly every girl I have ever graduated with I knew them from either fifth grade or third grade. Life passes by too fast, and I was not ready to move on.