When i was in high school i met a friend through a friend. It wasn’t until our final year of high school that we actually fully talked and became friends. I saw her in carpentry class and she was the only person I knew so immediately she was like “sit here” and yeah that’s how we became friends. We are close even though we only met a couple of years ago. We always text each other to see how we have been and we hang out once in a while. Not a lot right now because of covid but yeah. We are really understanding of each other and she is someone that I feel really comfortable to be with. We always have things to talk about. There is never a dull moment with her. What i really enjoy about our friendship is that even though we both have different lives, we have many things to do and sometimes we are busy. At the end of the day, not really the end of the day but you get what I mean, we both make time for each other and check in on each other to see how we are doing and how we have been.