So the first time i met my friend E It was the first week of school. we was in the lunchroom in the morning waiting for our schedule. So I went to the table he was sitting and ask if they knew anybody in the school above us. He said he knew one person who turned out to be one of my friends from elementary school. From that point on we usually just hangout and joke all school year. We will always discuss the new games on the Play station 4 after school at his house. Also we listen to new music together and when it was nice outside all of us will go play football. It was a never dull movement we had in school, we always find something to laugh at. Another thing me and E used to do was talk about business ideas. We was always motivating each other and talking about getting rich with matching foreign cars. If we had time left we go upstairs and play UFC or NBA 2k. We usually trash talk each other but that was our competitive coming in. I could honestly say that we was always hanging out if we can after school and outside of it. E was much more than a friend, he was almost like a big brother even though we was the same age. If i was hungry and had no money he will always get me something. When I had something on my mind bringing me down, he give me advice and assured me everything will be all right. Also he always used to give me deals on his shoes because they were really expensive and really didn’t used them anymore. Even now he has helped me out, giving me places where there are hiring. Provide me information on the stock market and what I should invest In to avoid mistakes he made. He always been there for me when I needed help and that why he is Important to me.