There are no rules in this class, you can really go wild with what you want to write.

Seriously, did the professor tell you why I’m writing this?
It’s supposed to be a letter, but I didn’t start it with any sort of greeting.

My name is in the title of this journal, and this class is about creativity.

You’re either here by choice, in which case, you should try your best because you chose to be here, or you’re here because it’s a requirement for your major. In that case, you should try your best anyways because a high grade is as free as your writing.

I might’ve lied a bit at the start, there are some rules, I guess. You’ll be given a general vague topic, which is bad in some classes, but not this one. If you’re within the Grand Canyon of options that the professor gives you, you’re free to write whatever you want.

Your topic is first-person writing? They didn’t specify anything else? Put literally anything in first person. Write about your experience in a game as that character. Write about a story from another character’s first-person perspective. Mash worlds together and create a monster of a story that you find cool. Really go wild with your choices.

This also isn’t just for your sake as a writer, it’s for the other people as well. You’re all going to have to do peer reviews, and those will drag if there’s nothing to actually comment on. An alright work is alright, but a work that tries something new and falls short has more potential.

If you’re worried, feel free to play it safe for the first few assignments and ask the professor to see if I’m lying about any of this. See if they still have my “Sad Cat Poem; Meow”. It’s a 7 line poem with 3 unique words across the entire thing. I submitted that, and I had confidence the professor would enjoy it for what it is.

Assuming you’re taking an online class like I am, business shouldn’t be too much different from a normal class. Meet up, get the assignment, write. The hardest part about online assignments is getting yourself to do things. Your brain is hard-wired to take the easy path out in any given situation. This is scientifically true because your brain strengthens neurons that you use often. The easier the decision, the easier it is for you to think of it, and the stronger those neurons get.

Don’t let your brain pilot you.

Your brain is an idiot incapable of making the hard choices in life, like getting up in the morning to write an essay that’s due. You are the captain in your body. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. If your brain is nudging you to stay in bed, throw yourself out of bed before you can even think. Don’t argue with your brain, just go. I believe in you.

That’s all from me; make sure you have fun in this class, freedom like this doesn’t often come in college unless you make it happen.