Writing dialogues has been the most “controversial” experience for me out of all the writing assignments. When I had just started, it was easily the hardest assignment to come up with inspiration for. Text messages are a pretty rough medium to translate into dialogue, and that’s for a lot of reasons if you want to go into it. The setting isn’t comparable to real life, the words you type aren’t always the same as the things you’d say, the entire dynamic is different.

However, once I found a topic to hook onto, that was it. Working backwards is much easier for a task like this, for me, at least. Once I forced my way through writing a couple dialogues, I was able to figure out what I wanted the end point to be. And once that end point was in sight, I was able to find dialogues to twist into my narrative.

In fact, it was such an enjoyable experience that my Journal #8 was a small continuation of my dialogues, made to fit the topic of the journal. Before you ask, I’m 100% advertising my own writing in this journal. Go read my dialogues, there’s a small handful of connections you can spot out between all of them.