Streams of rivers connected through emotion
over landscapes of uneven terrain.
Longing for the sun to come over that horizon,
but it seems to never bring a new day....
your hand is nervous holding onto what you felt was real
with thoughts of her going through life without you.
A friendship so strong
but so weak in love
struggling to send texts,
and burying the love you have for her
How could the good guy end up with a heart of sadness?
As every beat pumps out more tears,
--you now feel....
is this just the way a love story’s start?
the true beginning behind in a land far away.
Hold onto the thoughts of the what could be’s
and the what if’s
Pray that she soon realizes the one that wants her,
even though she’s captivated by the one who doesn’t
I know it's difficult wanting someone before its time
But in time it will all work out
Trust me
Because now, she’ll soon be our wife


Lights blend togetherrrr
with concentrations of haze
feeling numb..empty...chaotic
theeeeeee smoke doesn’t clear
but engulfs anyone who breathes near
keeps mmmmans best friend staggered
Aunt Kush with Uncle Lick and Roll
time moves still
with no trace of the past
the control of flame between my finger tips
with a bliss satisfaction
It doesn't last

My mind is beginning to clear
I try to hang onto whats left
But there’s no point to
Purple haze fits this garden room


Can you see the stripes and the perilous fight

The parts we watched streaming

and the red in grave

the free and the brave


the night sky kept everything hidden…
but the color of my skin
christmas had not to long passed
wouldve enjoyed it longer if i knew
it would be my last
not old enough to buy liquor
or use my money for tobacco
two things known to lead to death
tomorrow still won’t happen
YOU followed me
making sure I didn’t make it home
pumped bullets into my body
i’m just trying to go home

cries for help
death sparked a movement
justice is still never achieved
ANOTHER Black Death
like were not even human

i was hunted by a grown man
who now claims self defense
degrades my character
and people believed his nonsense
i’m not sure why my life had to be cut short
8 years later Kyle shot two people on camera
and was able to walk past the cops
i guess that’s the white passport
just wish things were different
wouldn’t have bought the skittles with the tea
if I knew how this walk would end for me
you’re now forever saying my name
and ironically more followed
My name is Trayvon Martin
And I Just wish I was given tomorrow