1. When Summers were longer 

Remember when times were simpler?

Long, hot summer days 

Breezy summer nights 

The fire hydrants were open, we would all run through 

The ice cream truck would pass by, the whole block would grab a cone

Remember when times were simpler?

When neighbors would sit on the stoop and talk to each other for hours

When the barbeques were filled with food on a Saturday afternoon 

Kids would ride bikes and scooters until they were too tired to continue 

Laughter would fill the streets

Smiles could be seen for miles

Remember when times were simpler?

When friendships were genuine

When kids could be kids 

When street lights told us it was time to go home

When being outside was the best part of the day 

To not have a care in the world only when summers were longer

2. Lovers Land

And though we were young 

It felt like love

For what we knew love to be at least

First loves 

They can come & go

They can be apart of us forever or teach us our greatest life lesson

But you…

You’re special

3. Imperfect Bliss 

They always say we come in different shapes & sizes

You can be round, you can be long

You can be frail, you can be husky

But always come as you are 

They never quite tell us to love us as we come

It is something to learn along the way of this crazy thing called life 

To be flawed is expected 

But to be accepted is flawed

Our bodies speak their own language 

They have their own style 

Our brains & hearts are what make us even greater 

Than what we appear on the outside

There is no other you

So you have to be the best flawed you 

4. To The Future 

I know that you’re very unsure now 

You’ve always been the person that seemed to have it all planned out

But here now

The plan no longer fits

It doesn’t feel right

You thought you knew what you wanted & now it seems faded

The feeling of uncertainty leads to fears





But without a question, you will prevail 

It may not feel like it now

When the time is right, you’ll know