The moment from my past that changed me a lot was when I moved from my home country to New York. I was 16 when I moved out with my family, and now I am 21. Moving to another country is like start your life in new ways, just like a newborn baby. Everything was new to me, language, place, food, different people from a different culture. Most importantly, the school was different; that’s where I spent most of the time when I came here. When I was in high school, my most significant change was my dressing style. Because when I was in my country, I used to dress differently, very simple while going, and at home, I was very lazy or sluggish while choosing to dress. Also, in my country high school, I had to wear the school uniform every day; that might be the reason why I was lazy in choosing clothes, but in New York high school, you can wear whatever you want. Also, by looking at other students dressing styles helped me improve my style. That’s how in high school, my dressing style improved and changed a lot.