Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Sheely Menendez, POV story for picture B.

Timothy was always an optimistic guy, was always light of happiness, always looking for the positive side of everything, while he was at home he spend most of his time with his dog. The news were going crazy everywhere he look it was the same thing, people stocking up their houses with essentials supplies, everything was revolving fast and changing fast around him. Timothy realize he was not able to spend time in the park anymore, and he never realize how great was to take the train to school, and then running with a bag in his hand that had a bagel to catch with his Friends, and at the same time in his airpods the song “can I call you tonight?” was on repeat. Everything is different now, he eats his bagel in a small plate next to his computer, “can I call you tonight” does not sound the same anymore, know its just looking out the window wondering when is all going to end.


  1. Alexsis

    You used a good tone for this story and I could see how the main character went from always being happy to being sad. This describes several people during the pandemic and was very realistic.

  2. DeAndre Badresingh

    I really enjoyed this story because I feel it spoke to me in so many different ways. I work in an after-school program and last year I had promised my kids a cake to celebrate my birthday. During quarantine last year, ON MY BIRTHDAY, it was announced that schools would be closed for the rest of that school year. So in many ways, I can relate to Timothy. I would suggest bringing light by maybe showing what Timothy did to take his mind away from the situation.

  3. Joselin

    I liked your story and the way you described Timothy’s personality. The story was well throughout out! Really describes our current situation.

  4. Nelson Tavarez

    I liked your story I can relate to it. I miss the day we were able to go outside without worrying about the virus. Life isn’t the same anymore. We miss even the most simple things.

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