Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Wilbert Rodriguez, POV Story for Picture C

It’s a Friday evening in the year of 2004, and it seems as if everyone on bus had a long day. Two people had managed to sit next to each other in the back of the bus, and their names were Bill and Jean. Bill and Jean are strangers to each other, but there’s always someone new to meet on public transportation.

Bill had something on the mind as he sat next to Jean. He had taken out his notebook and started adding onto the song he was working on. The song has been in the works for quite a few weeks, and he was keen on finishing it. He would spend hours upon hours listening to music when he could to come up with things to add to his own.

On the other hand, Jean had other plans. It was a long day for her as she had done overtime at the job all week. She had been doing 10 hour shifts at her job, and it seems like it had been taking a toll on her after the busiest week she’s had in awhile. She found herself snoozing away on the bus ride back home after her day.


  1. Nuha

    I liked your story, and it’s classic and optimistic. I would have seen your story in a short video about Stanger that connects in bus transportations. Also, I thought through reading Bill would make a move to talk with Jean.

  2. Anna Chen

    I like the idea of Bill & Jean being strangers with their own things going on in their heads.

  3. Amani

    I liked how realistic this story was, and it’s true theres always someone to meet on public transportation. It was cool to see how two different people spent the same hours doing different things.

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