I feel my experiences with memoirs in this class have been great. At first I wasn’t really sure what a memoir was, while in class I’m asked to write them, it didn’t feel actually hard, mostly since it was memory. Given my actual experience I’m glad I did for this class, writing the memoirs has helped me have a more clear mind while writing. Being totally honest I enjoy doing it since I know is beneficial for my writing and comparing my first memoir and second one you can see a little of improvement which is really exciting meaning I’m making progress, slow but progress, I’m pretty to sure to write a memoir like the ones we read in class I’m missing  lot. Also writing having people critique your work can be really helpful and also I can see their work and see what I’m missing. Overall I had a great experience, and a really like I hope everyone did too, yes it can be difficult to put your memories together but it could be a great way to let things out, I’m hoping to have a similar experience with other work.