The word friend is always thrown around very loosely. I have a group of 5 friends that I consider my brothers. My friendships are based on trust, loyalty and heart which is why I consider my friends my brothers. I’ve know each of them for at least 14 years. Out of that group there is one friend that I first met 24 years ago. His name is Joe, we became friends back when I was 4 years old and he was 3 years old. At the time he used to live across the street from me, so we would always go to each others houses and play. About two years later he moved down the block, and we would still hangout and see each other in school but it wasn’t the same because we weren’t in the same grade. 

Over the next few years we still keep in contact and would see each other in the park but that was really it because we also went to different middle schools. Fast forward to the High School years and we saw each other everyday no mater the time or weather. Up until this pandemic started we would still make time to at least hang out after work or on the weekends. Joe has always been my best friend and this pandemic has proved to me that he always will be my best friend. We may not speak everyday or see each other in months but the moment we speak or hangout it’ like we haven’t missed a beat. 

Good friends are hard to come by and all my friends are important to me in their own way but Joe has proved to me over and over again that he’ll always be my top dog.