To be honest, I haven’t really thought about when I’ve felt anonymous. I usually try to not take anything personal or think much about certain things. But, now thinking about it more I’m realizing that sometimes my friends and family disregard how I feel about certain situations. I’ve realized that my opinions are not always heard when it comes to family gatherings or large friend group gatherings. I’m typically a reserved person, but I don’t think that means when I do have something to say that it should be ignored either.

I think everyone’s opinions should be heard, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to agree either. I don’t expect this at all for everyone to agree, but to at least be understood would be appreciated. I think a lot of people go through this because that’s the way society works. Typically if you have a very different opinion than others, you’re almost always automatically excluded. I think if society’s way of thinking of what should be considered normal changed, this would influence people to have more of an open mind to new ideas. Being able to understand and not judge someone for voicing their opinion and not be closed minded can change the way society works and probably change the way we feel about expressing our thoughts.

Overall, what I’m trying to say is that if society can somewhat try to change, then there’s less of a possibility for people to feel anonymous.