Meet my Cardfight Vanguard card, this is a card game I play to this day. I first learned about it in 2013 thanks to YouTube recommendations. I watched the first episode and the next thing I know I was hooked on the characters, the cards, and the game. I thought it looked cool for the way the monsters were designed on the front of the card. The physical card on the back says “Cardfight Vanguard” with what appeared to be a star in the middle of the card, highlighted in a blue and black color scheme. It feels thin; not like a credit card or student ID. One Vanguard card that is my favorite is called “Blaster Dark Revenger”. The reason why it is my favorite is because of the art, for the lore of how he fights in the shadows to protect his home and fix his mistakes of the past. I enjoyed this lore because it reminds me of how I would be there for friends in difficult times if they ever need me. 

The way you win the game is by putting the opposing player’s damage to 6. Each player has a damage counter, think of it like your life force in a video game. In Cardfight Vanguard if that number hits 6, game over. In Cardfight Vanguard it is almost similar to a game of chess. You are the one leading the army, so you must give the commands of how to act against the opposing player.  

I was always having trouble making friends in high school, it was not until my Sophomore year I actually got the cards and started playing by myself. The next thing I knew there were others who were familiar with the game and I started playing against them. Trust me I was bad, but over time I got better cards, started winning, and made lots of experiences. I made friends, had great laughs, gained a competitive side, joined a team of cardfighters, and gained confidence to speak up. To this day I am still friends with those people. I told my family about it too, however they were not interested in the game. My dad was proud to hear me win from time to time. What I love about this is that it is not as complicated compared to others like Pokemon or Yugioh. I enjoy the strategy behind this game because you have to think about how to outplay your opponent and get the win. 

There are even tournaments based on this game for a chance for you to win money. Tournaments are usually set up by one person along with volunteers to act as the referee of the game. You will see people playing with others for practice or just chill and relax because they are confident in their experience. Once the tournament is set up people will look at the bracket to see who they will play against. A round goes by a set or just one game. In a set the first with two wins advances. Whereas in tournaments it is just one game, you win and you advance. If you are lucky your game can even be commented on during bigger tournaments. My games have been commentated on from time to time and honestly it felt nerve racking but at the same time pretty cool. The idea of my opponents watching how good I am gives me so much excitement to play against them. 

When I played my first tournament I was nervous because I could only imagine the strong players there. Eventually as the game kept going my nerves stopped and I just had fun. When I play the game at a competitive level to this day it is like I am a different person. I am focused, ignore what is around me, completely quiet, and show no emotion. Including team tournaments where you need to help your teammates improve their game if you guys wish to win. The biggest accomplishments I have ever gotten in this game was getting first place four times in a row, and joining a sponsor team. Sponsor teams pay for all tournament fees. Usually a fee could be five dollars or greater depending on how the setup goes.

If I had the opportunity to teach someone this game I would want them to remember to just have fun at the end of the day. To be honest I would still be shy to make friends if I had never discovered this game. Having fun and enjoying the game can make you smile about how amazing it is. Thank you for reading.