Back in 2013, I meant my best friend Mark. It all started in 7th grade home room; it was like we knew each other for so many years already. It was surprising we got along as quickly as we did because I was shy, and he was as well. After a week, we started walking home together and we were surprised that we were basically neighbors, since he lived a block away from me.      

Throughout middle school, we would always walk home or hang out with our other friends too. This was such a normal thing that we both started to think what would happen once we went to different high schools. We both thought that maybe our friendship would fade out like most friendships tend to. Nonetheless, we graduated from middle school and went to different high schools; of course, we didn’t see each other every day like we used to, but we both still made time to go to different places or facetime each other. 

One day, I remember walking out of school and he was there. I was so surprised because I didn’t know he was going to come, and he always told me that he doesn’t know how I do it to get myself to go to my school since it’s so far. I remember being so happy and shocked because I wasn’t having the best week and seeing him there made me feel better. 

Throughout high school, we still remained so close and I remember the day he was accepted into his dream college. His dream college was in Wisconsin, and I remember questioning if our friendship could fade out, but I saw how happy he was, that none of that mattered. I knew that we had a solid friendship and I just wanted my best friend to do what he always wanted to do. 

I have so many great memories with my best friend that I could go on and on. Despite the distance, it’s like he never left when he comes back to New York.