Being an immigrant and studied in a foreign high school is really tough for me. Why because I think it like starting a new life, which is really different from the life that you were living. The first problem when I came to America and being an immigrant that I faced is the language, and I am sure the people who came from another country also suffer from this problem. Why I said at the beginning studied in a foreign high school is really tough for me because, in 2018, I started studying in high school, and it wasn’t even a month when I landed in American, and I joined the high school, this was happing so quickly. My English was so bad; I just reply to others in yes or no or in one or two-sentence, high two sentences because after that, I don’t know what I should say to another person.

And then, during my first English class, I had to introduce myself to the person who was sitting next to me, and I was really nervous about what to talk about, how to start the conversation or what questions should I ask, and how should I react to her answers. Slowly slowly, we start to introduce ourselves, for example, my name, where I am from, our habites, and hobbies, etc. so let’s talk about her, her Name is Nahira, her first language is Arabic, she is an immigrant, she’s Muslim, wear hijab.

As we communicated more, we got to know each other’s class schedules, and we both had 4-5 same classes. She doesn’t speak my language, but we can clearly understand what she speaks means and what I say to her; you know the English we both speak are straightforward and easy to understand, and we both speak and produced words correctly, that might be the reason for our good understanding and good communication. She was the one who boosted up my confidence in speaking confidently with others. She was the one who always supported me when I am having any trouble in high school or something that I don’t understand, and she helped me a lot in my classes too. We both graduated from high school in the same year. Besides, we both applied to the same college and studied in the same college for about two years, and we are still in touch.