I’m not even quite sure how our one time study session turned into several weekly facetime calls, yet here we are almost 2 years later. It was back in 2019, my sophomore year of college. I had just started the semester probably 2 weeks before and already my professor for Anatomy & Physiology 2 was absent. I was happy about getting to leave school a few hours earlier but I was also a bit concerned since we had an exam coming up. As I was getting ready to leave the building I was expressing these concerns to one of my friends who had class with me when suddenly 2 other girls came up to us, one named Kate. 

She looked at my friend and myself and asked, “do you guys want to go study with us in the library?” I looked at my friend and we shrugged our shoulders answering back, “sure, lets go” not thinking much of it rather than a quick study session. We got to the library and I can assure we did everything but study. We sat there laughing, talking about our future plans, our past experiences in class, skincare routines, and so much more. Before we knew it, it was almost an hour past the time class usually finished and wound up ending our so called “study session.”

It was from this moment on that Kate and I created the friendship we have until this day. Every class after that we would save seats for each other, share our snacks and local food places we discovered around school, we even exchanged numbers. Over the last year and a half, our group of 4 friends turned into just the 2 of us, Kate and myself. Each semester since, we try to have at least one class together so that we can keep one another on track.

This friendship holds significance for me because it was a friendship I never expected. It was such a genuine connection from the start, where absolutely nothing was forced. We learned that we had so much in common from career paths to fashion ideas. This is the only friendship I still have from my few years in college and I hope to see it grow into a lifelong one.