Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

“Critique” on Truth and Beauty

I don’t read books or stories as much as I use to anymore so saying I enjoyed it might be a stretch. I would probably read it and then move on. I see a few other posts talking about how detailed it was. But I always thought that would be how you wrote stories, with detail, to help the reader visualize. I haven’t read any books to compare it with but that’s just how I imagine it to be. My question would be “What’s the inspiration behind writing this story?” because I had a time where i would write but i’d just stop because i didn’t know how to continue or something.

1 Comment

  1. Jeffrey

    I think it’s funny how you say “But I always thought that would be how you wrote stories, with detail, to help the reader visualize” because that is an accurate analysis of how stories are meant to be written. If you’re lacking detail, you’re leaving the reader to guess at a lot to piece together what’s supposed to be happening. However, I think the point of other posts was to emphasize just how much detail there was in this reading compared to other writings.

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