Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Critique on Patchett’s Work

Patchett’s work is very descriptive and can be very captivating. However, this can sometimes have a positive or negative affect on readers. Since there is a lot of descriptive language to create imagery, some readers can become overwhelmed and no longer want to continue reading. At the same time, readers who really enjoy a lot of descriptive language, this text would be perfect and make the reader want to continue reading. A question I have for the author is, “Why was Lucy so important to Ann, other than being friends?”

1 Comment

  1. Jeffrey

    I was definitely on the side of “overwhelmed” and even agitated because of the amount of description in the writing. To me, it started to feel like padding when I knew there was an actual story to be told. Description is good, but I think writers should stick to the most important parts unless the description comes to affect the story at some point.

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