Dear incoming creative writing student,

         Hello, I know you will not know who I am apart from my name which is Jordan Bailey but I am writing to tell you my experience with taking this class in Spring 2021. First, I want to tell you that Professor Jessica Penner is a great person and she is going to be an excellent professor that is ready to help you with your writings. 

         Next, in this class you will write short stories, Journals, Poems, Dialogues, Memoirs, Reflections and Critiques. These assignments are interesting and will lead to you to learn something new and help you to become a better writer. Two assignments that have stayed with me are my dialogues and short stories. I found these assignments to be compelling because I enjoyed writing them and I will hopefully continue to make up some more even after taking this class. 

         As an online student for this class, I can say the core component is keeping up with all of the assignments. But don’t worry the deadlines are fair so there is no excuse to miss turning in an assignment.

         An example for me of how this class will be useful in future is when I have children and I need to critique their work. After taking this class I feel more comfortable to give others feedback on their writing. This skill is crucial for being good writer, I think.

Anyways, Enjoy the class and take care!  Bye bye!

All best,
