Hello? -Chronz

Hello (Waves his hand) -Jack 

Hey my name is Chronz and I am a member of VoC. We have been seeing your performance lately during the tournaments in our tournament discord and well we would like to speak to you about recruiting you to join our official sponsor team.


We? (Tilts head in confusion) -Jack

Our leader Pyro would also like to speak to you. -Chronz 

Ok. -Jack

(Jack notices the chat box from Pyro and responds to him)

H-hey. -Pyro

Hey (Smile emoji) -Jack

I know this may seem selfish seeing as you are part of another team in our tournament discord but we see you as a great player and if you like you can join our discord server and get to know many of the amazing players. This may seem like we’re stealing a player from another team, but we can help you provide many opportunities for you to get better. Would you like to think about this decision? (Puts his hand behind his head)


Yes please (Nods) -Jack

(The next day)

Have you decided? -Pyro

Yes, I would like to join VoC. (smiles) -Jack