The family household are on a small trip to the Woodbury outlets. Mom had a fever to spend some money, and we (me and her husband) just ended up tagging along to keep her company. We managed to get there in quick time, and she’s changing the plan on the fly (as usual). Mom couldn’t resist walking into just about every store that caught her interest, so I pushed her buttons a bit.


Hey ma, ugh… why are we going into this store?


Because I can.


I’m not saying you can’t. You’re kinda missing the point of what I’m trying to get at. Didn’t you want to make the trip here for something else?


I came here to get some things, you don’t know what ‘things’ are. You don’t have to be in here with me. You can wait outside or go to another store.

As she was checking out a top she liked, she fixed her eyes on me quickly and that was it… that was the sign for me to stop talking.


I’ve got no business roaming this place. We came here with you for you, remember?

At that point I could feel the heat. I just took the bench outside for the next 20 minutes with her husband, and waited until she came out with a bag.


I’m never bringing you here with me again. There’s some stores that you like here, and don’t even think about asking me to come here.


It’s a good thing these stores are all in the city. The last thing I’d need is a car lady.