Dialogue 1:

Keandre: I warned you did I?

DeAndre: Don’t rub it in

Keandre: But yea this is the result

Keandre: Remember the vaccine exposes your body to a controlled version of Covid

Keandre: So rn, this is your going through COVID

DeAndre: I hate it here

Keandre: Lmfaoo

Keandre: How is it now

DeAndre: About the same

Keandre: feels manageable now or still a problem

DeAndre: Still the same

Keandre: It’s ok, you’ll love

DeAndre: I do love

DeAndre: It’s a weird emotion

Keandre: Live*

DeAndre: But we all go through it

DeAndre: Together

DeAndre: As one

Keandre: I fuckin hate you

DeAndre: Love you too bro

Dialogue 2:

Timestamp: Monday April 12, 11:40 Am

Group members: Stacy, Deborah, Greg, Diane, Timothy

Stacy: Did everyone get everything for the surprise party for Amoure?

Deborah: What was I supposed to get again?

Stacy: This is why I don’t trust you to do anything important

Greg: Damn girl what’s wrong with you?

Deborah: It’s just been a busy week


Greg: ….

Stacy: Anyway, where’s the checklist

Deborah: I kinda lost the list a while back

Greg: You are hilarious

Stacy: You just really want me to lose my shit don’t you?

Stacy: All you had to do was hold on to the damn list

Diane: Someone send me $10 I’m hungry

Stacy: Diane if you don’t stfu


Stacy: Okay so the plan is we go into the house with the spare key and set up with the balloons. Deborah will get the cake she ordered about a week ago and put it in the bedroom until Amoure comes. After that the gifts will be given after the party sounds good?

Timothy: What’s going on?

Stacy: Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with any of you

Stacy: Deborah how much was the cake?

Deborah: What cake? I didn’t order any cake

*Stacy left the chat*

Dialogue 3:

*Both enters kitchen*

Cassey: Can you give the baby the bottle
Keith: Where is it?

Cassey: Where it usually is

Keith: Be a little more specific

Cassey: So you really don’t know where we keep the baby’s bottle?

*Keith exits kitchen*

*Cassey follows behind him*

*Both enter living room*

Keith: Why must you start arguments this early in the morning?

Keith: All I asked was where was the bottle

Cassey: If you were home more often instead of leaving me with the baby MAYBE JUST MAYBE YOU’LL KNOW WHERE WE KEEP THE BOTTLE

Keith: Why are you raising your voice?

Cassey: Where were you last night?

Keith: I went out with my guy friends

Cassey: Your location says you were in another state. I’m going to ask again; Where.Were.You.Last.Night?

Keith: I don’t have to answer this

*Keith leaves the house *

*Cassey falls to the floor and begins crying*

Dialogue 4:

Reporter 1: Here comes Charlie out running Furious

Reporter 2: Dandelion slowly but surely catching up

Reporter 2: Charlie closing the lead on Furious

Reporter 2: Snicker making his way from last to 5th standing

Reporter 1: Dandelion passing out Stallion

Reporter 1: Stallion head-to-head with Snicker

Reporter 1: All horses closing on the final lap

Reporter 2: Snicker passes his way to 3rd place

Reporter 1: Stallion passes out Snicker and takes 2nd place

Reporter 1: Just a few more seconds

Reporter 2: Dandelion coming from around the corner

Reporter 1: It’s not Dandelion and Stallion making their way to the finish line

Reporter 2: Stallion in first

Reporter 1: Dandelion now back in first

Reporter 2: It’s a back-and-forth match

Reporter 2: And now the winner is Dandelion with Stallion in second followed by Snicker, Furious, and Charlie.