
if it’s so beautiful then why does it hurt so much?

if he was the one then why did he leave?

or was it me?

please come back

this feels like an attack

i miss you

do you remember me?


the tiniest little nose and the tiniest little toes

the most beautiful smile on the sweetest little face

her brown eyes stare into mine while i play with her brown hair

her little button nose scrunches while she laughs

i love this baby so much and she has no idea

does she realize how loved she is

i wish she was mine

the most precious little princess

who will you be babygirl?

what will you do in your lifetime?

i can’t wait to find out


homework, essay, test

blackboard, discussion board, zoom

i repeat the same day every day

i’ve repeated the same day for 1 year

i’m tired

tired of being in my room

tired of remote learning

tired of the endless cycle i now call my new normal

when will we go back?

back to when i didn’t have to worry about getting sick

back to when I could go out freely and not worry about infecting my family

back to the simple things like picnics, concerts, gatherings

i miss my old life

this new one fills me fear and sadness


life was simple

we were happy

we were carefree

when will we get back to that

will we get back to that?

no masks, no social distancing

i want to be carefree again

i don’t want to worry

i want to live again

when will our old normal be our regular normal again?