Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Benson Huang, Favorite Poems

I’m not entirely into poems as they just don’t appeal to me. They require way to much thinking. I’ve read Edgar Allan Poe’s writing in the past for class so I guess it’s why I chose it.


  1. Sheely Menendez

    same, Im not a poem person. I think the tone of this poem if I have to choose would be serious, deep, and even dramatic, Edgar Allan Poe has a lot of dramatic writing if not all his writing.

  2. Moose

    This poem shows perspective and how different he feels from everybody else. It is almost like he feels as an outcast of society.

  3. Anna Chen

    I love Poe’s short stories, his poems also have a dark sinister tone to it, makes me wonder who hurt him

  4. Nuha

    I enjoy reading poems because each poem has a story, but others have a message. This poem is dark and cruel because who did that to him!

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