Once upon a time in the cold dark forest in Maine was a boy lost from his group. His name was Timmy and he was only 14 years old. Timmy was on a class trip to experience what it was like hiking for the first time. The administration at his school had planned everything out for weeks and finally they got the opportunity to have the trip. Timmy was looking forward to this trip given the fact he was mournful of his grandfatherā€™s passing. Just thinking about his death gave him heart palpitations which made him concerned for his health. During the gathering, Timmy was elated to see all his friends in the auditorium talking about their plans once they got there. Ahead of time, they made provisions on where they would go and how long they would spend at a certain location. An hour had passed, and the busses had arrived and was awaiting departure. 

During the bus ride, it was conspicuous that Timmy was callow due to him not being able to contain his excitement. The teachers on the bus had to tell him multiple times to calm down or they would inform his parents of his misbehavior. For the remainder of the ride, he was perplexed as the why everyone was laughing at him for being called out by his teacher. Two hours have passed, and the long-waited anticipation had finally settled. The teachers and students left the bus and headed towards the admissions area where they got their tickets to enter the area. Once arriving, the tour guide informed the teachers and student to not go into the restricted portions of the forest because there is a trail that can allow people to get lost. Without taking caution of this warning, Timmy tried to convince his friend Tyrone to join him on an ā€œadventureā€ but Tyrone refused. Timmy took it upon himself to go on the adventure by himself and inevitably separating from the group. At first Timmy was excited to explore the forest on his own but he then realized he couldnā€™t find the tour track after a while. Realizing he was lost, he started running erratically shouting for help. 

The tour guide stopped to take a head count only to realize that one person had been missing. She called for an emergency search for Timmy where every available staff member went looking for him. The more he ran the more he saw debris of what appeared to be dead animals along a path. After several hours of searching, they found Timmy sleeping on a rock close to a cave where a bear had been hibernating. They quickly removed Timmy from the area and brought him back to camp where they treated his bruises. After that day, that was one lesson that Timmy wonā€™t soon forget.