Gunfire, bangs and explosions ring out the desolate American neighborhood. After the countless tests and even a nuke this poor town endured only two houses remain. The ideal American neighborhood turned warzone, the good ol white picket fence and small streets now blocked by run down buses and jeeps. What was to be a new family is now a run down bus with furniture scattered across the street . Between the furniture lies a blue circle. The end all be all to the battle, “Point B” alongside point A and C on the side of each house.

As members of the red team, Corporals Kenny. A Sunderland and Samuel B. Johnson rush to take point. Kenny, Corporal in rank, heart of gold, but the brains of a recruit can only hold point for 2 seconds before he is easily blasted away by the enemies hiding within the blue home. As for Samuel, headstrong and daring he rushes into the enemy base. Bam one down Bam two down three, four, five, six. Leading the charge he opens up the real cope de grâce. Three members rush in to finally take point. Sergeant Rooer, privates Abraham and Mathew seize the point each keeping an angle protecting their fellow brothers in arms. Rooer, the man, the myth, the legend, Sacrificed so much for the good fight he’s nothing short of a god of war. Abraham, fellow rival to Samuel and a cunning soldier to boot. Matthew, the lad who’s always got your back, riffles, pistols, launchers, no matter the weapon you’re always in safe hands. Keeping the point Matthew anchors down, while the others go on and to secure the upcoming wave of enemies. Kenny and Samuel back in the fight every one rushes the opposing home. Little did they know there was no enemy in sight. Sweating and confused the only possible reason could be a flank from behind. As this information gets revealed the final member of this humble team, JayJay Anderson can only panic as he was hiding within the yellow house all along. Not very skilled as his team but hard working none the less he can only breathe a sigh of relief as an intermission pops up. 100-81 in favor of the blue team. A small setback but with enough effort the heroes can break free and take the victory.

Starting from the next house both teams have swapped. Capture A, capture B, the same old routine for these lads. what was 100-81 becomes 110-101, to 120-121. B is taken, B is retrieved. They fight the long fight as long as they can. Lost and clueless our poor Kenny fires shots into his own team. Not once, not twice, and certainly not with his firearm. a frustrated Rooer begins to yell causing a stir amongst the members. Abraham, Samuel, and Mathew all go down time and time again rather it be to Kenny or the enemy. In a final battle cry Rooer gives the command to “give B a little kiss.” One more second and it’s captured Everyone moves out to clutch the final two point needed. JayJay jumps from his window throwing all sorts of equipment at the house. One stray grenade ends the soul perches onto window. Rooer hiding within the house’s chimney keeps watch for the one straggler ready to recover B. Kenny bursting through the enemy garage Molotov in hand sets one more ablaze. Abraham and Samuel enter from the window clearing out the house and anyone left putting up a fight, As Matthew finally plants himself on the point, tick, tick, tick, B taken. A final cheer is shouted as our fellow gamers stare at the bold red numbers on screen…. 200-199. “And just like that….I’m done for today.” Samuel lets out as he exits the game. One by one the six friends exit still exhilarated by the hard fought victory saying their peace before finally heading out.