The day I brought my dog home has to be the most life changing moment in my life so far. For years, I would beg my parents to get a puppy and it finally happened in February 2020. Little did I know my life was about to change, but for the better–sometimes. I remember being so excited to finally see him in person and not through a screen. Before I knew it, my puppy was in my house and already playing with his toys. I thought to myself about how we would go on long walks and seeing him play with other puppies after receiving his shots. However, quarantine happened and my idea of him exploring new places was put on hold.

Quarantine for sure made it much more difficult to raise a puppy. You would think being with a puppy 24/7 is the best way to spend your time, but it did become overwhelming. Since we couldn’t go anywhere for months, he missed out on socializing and this made it difficult to take him on walks in the beginning. But with time, he’s slowly become better. My dog has truly taught me to be more patient and has brought so much happiness in my life since.