There was once this kid who was no taller than 2 feet and was very shy. He always would wear striped shirts, shorts, and these rugged looking shoes. The kid was very astonish with the world and loved to see how things worked. He had dreams of changing the world and having his name put In with the greats such as Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton. Others viewed him as a strange kid, he wasn’t Into sports or games but, was rather fascinated with history and science.He always used to say that science was the future and will be the sole reason we will thrive as the new age come. While kids enjoy playing outside with their friends, he was tinkering with objects and going through all the books he can. Every time someone glanced at him, they can see he was trying to workout something out In his head as If he is a human calculator. He was a very fascinating kid had boards up with the schematics of the invention he working on. Then later In his life It hit him, he knew what he was going to Invent that will change our life forever. He first told his parent’s who thought, he just a kid It’s a wild fantasy he will soon grow out of It. He grew up and still had his mind set up It’s not just a fantasy It was his destiny. He was gonna find a way to make cars fly no matter how long it took. People laughed at him and his parents thought he had a screw loose, but he didn’t let that stop him. He believed he was going to make cars fly that he soon started to drawing up other plans. He didn’t want to stop just after flying cars he wanted to make all transportation fly. Sources say that he had blueprints for trains to hover along special rails and have buses do the same, so traffic will not be a problem for anyone. His parents was very worried and constantly attended group therapy every time they had a chance. They even took him out of regular school and put him In a school for mentally insane people. He constantly fought them saying he wasn’t crazy and often asking why they believe his Idea was far fetched. He use to cry In his room because the people he tried to make proud viewed him as delusional. The doctors let his parents know that he wasn’t insane he was just highly ambitious. Even though his parents got the news they always monitor him as If he was a prisoner of some sort. He soon graduated high school and attended college where he took many classes about aerodynamics and automotive technology. He will go to workshops, seminars, just anything that he can use to help him with his journey. He soon got a job at NASA as a overseer of space stations In the year 2930 which pay close to $300,000 a year. His parents still worried that he was crazy but was happy that he had a well paying job. They figure If the job saw that he was mentally Insane they can have him rehabilitated He was using his money from the job working day and night like a madman trying everything he can to make cars fly. He used some left over parts from his job workshop they didn’t used and used his workshop at the job for his project. For most of the items he needed he bought through NASA, getting an employee discount. They often ask him why but soon realized that It will be an ongoing thing and just kept quiet. He used junk cars and wrecked cars to save on money, so he can focus on more expensive equipment. He did everything Imaginable he used wind turbines on cars, strapped giant propellers on the car, and even put rockets on the car. It was easy getting these things and It halted his progress because he had to make his own version of things. He looked upon what he did In disbelief, he couldn’t believe he dedicated 60 years to this crazy Idea. He was in his room soaking It all In and said “god why can’t I do this, please give me a sign or point me In the right direction I beg of you”. He soon began to believe that he couldn’t do It, that the Idea was Ludacris. He thought he was a failure, all his attempts and none were remotely close. That night he went to sleep with crushed dreams and no accomplishment, crying himself to sleep. But, then It happened he had a vision of how to make cars fly. He woke up and knew what he had to do, his idea was to make multiple devices on the car with enough pressure and power to at least make cars hover.It seemed crazy but It can work, small devices Installed in the car than can give It enough power to hover. He worked day In and day out In his house he was able to afford after his retirement. He name It after himself the Mason Project, It was a device meant to go under the wheels. When the wheels recced into the car, the device will come out and will began to hover. In the year3000 he showed It off at an auction and all of the people In attendance were at awe. Big Investors wanted to bring this to main production and was willing to pay anything for his Invention In their cars. He wanted to worked on making public transportation with his Invention but, he soon passed before his cars was sold to the public. In his honor they named the company the Mason Project. After the man who was able to give the world flying cars In the year 3020, long live Alex Mason the creator of the flying car.