Imani had been looking for a job for a few months and had no luck whatsoever. She had applied to 5 different retail stores and was told that she did not qualify because she had no previous work experience. She wondered how she could get any work experience if no one gives her the chance to gain the experience that’s supposedly needed. Feeling extremely defeated, Imani was about to give up in her search. It was late June and suddenly she received an email from Footlocker stating for her to come in for an on the spot interview the following day, no prior work experience needed! With a smile on her face, Imani knew this was her chance and she was going for it with everything she had. 

Friday morning Imani anxiously got ready for her interview. She had carefully picked out an outfit that was business casual the night before. A pair of green dress pants and a white blouse with flats was the go to for such a last minute interview. Having woken up an extra hour early, Imani was pretty tired but her excitement did not allow her to relax. Too anxious to even eat much of anything, she decided to leave the house a little early.

Headphones in and a stomach full of butterflies she headed to the train station. Before she could reach the station doubts started to flood her mind. She thought this wouldn’t work out in her favor. She thought she would get turned down. She worried that no one would give her the opportunity she desperately wanted. She remembered her mothers encouraging words, “if you don’t try you’ll never know.” Imani was so determined to give it her best shot that she pushed the negative thoughts out.  She wanted the independence of having her own money and had goals set to finally start off her life in the work world.

Once she reached the work site, she was instructed to wait in the lobby until more interviewees came in. Minutes began to feel like hours to Imani. She stopped and looked around her to see the huge flow of customers coming in and out the store and the commotion between employees about the possible new workers. Finally the manager made her way towards Imani and a group of 4 others. Ready as she’ll ever be Imani started off her interview strong, speaking first, answering questions to the best of her abilities, selling herself to the manager as she was capable of doing everything the position required. Imani loves to work with people, she made this clear to the manager. She has a caring personality and is always willing to help others no matter how small the gesture may be. 

Once the interview was done Imani radiated with confidence but was still a bit worried because there were other good candidates. She knew she did her best and felt like her best was going to pay off though. Within a few hours the manager emailed her and said she got the job! Reading the message full of joy Imani couldn’t help but smile. She was ready to get to work.